Between Reds and Whites. Czech Soldiers and Officers in the Russian Far East (on the materials of Manchurian Press)
Přednášku Between Reds and Whites. Czech Soldiers and Officers in the Russian Far East (on the materials of Manchurian Press) dr. Ireny Vladimirski pořádá ddělení moderních kulturních a sociálních dějin Historického ústavu AV ČR. Bude se konat 10. října od 10:00 v budově Historického ústavu AV ČR na Proseku (Prosecká 809/76). Bude možné se připojit i online. Link k vyžádání na adrese:
In 1918-1922 in Manchuria resided about 25,000 Czech soldiers and officers who fought on the side of Russia during WWI. Bolshevik revolution and the following Civil War turned their possibility to return home close to zero. Cities of Manchuria (mostly Harbin and Shanghai) became for them a temporary home. Local press was used as a mean of communication with a local community on the one hand and on the other hand as a correspondence tool with a newly establishes Czechoslovakia. Russians communities in exile assisted a lot in returning them home with a generous financial support and mediation with foreign Embassies and Consulates.