Geography and post-First-World-War Boundary Making in Central Europe

The workshop Geography and post-First-World-War Boundary Making in Central Europe, organized by the Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences, will be held on 19th June 2023 in the Institute of History of the CAS, room 334.
Bringing together scholars from the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Canada, this one-day workshop provides an opportunity to gather and discuss new approaches to the study of geography and boundary making in Central Europe. Engaging in recent methodological and theoretical developments in the field, papers will explore how nations were variously constructed, deconstructed, and reconstructed geographically after World War I.
Papers are organized into two sections, and each session will have three presenters. There will be 20 minutes allotted for each paper, with an additional 20 minutes for critical discussion.
There is no workshop fee. However, presenters will be responsible for their own travel and accommodations.