The Age of Humidity: Ancient Medicine and Childhood Education in the Renaissance

Das Historische Institut der Tschechischen Akademie der Wissenschaften lädt Sie herzlich zu einem Vortrag von Prof. Luana Salvarani zum Thema: „The Age of Humidity: Ancient Medicine and Childhood Education in the Renaissance“ ein. Der Vortrag findet am Donnerstag, den 27. Oktober 2022 um 17.00 Uhr via ZOOM statt.
Our knowledge of educational ideas and practices in the Renaissance draws primarily on a series of treatises focusing on noble children. Therefore, their view on education is restricted in scope and must be understood in the context of the formal conventions of the court, especially on the aspects concerning language learning, manners, and warfare. Nevertheless, Renaissance education based its tenets on ideas on human nature strongly indebted to Galenic medicine, which had equal validity for all social classes and interpreted the features of childhood and the passage to adolescence in terms of humoral theory and temperaments. The notion of the child as “extremely humid” and the conception of growth as loss of humidity and acquisition of heat lies at the roots of many conceptions of education in its larger sense. Medical theories, for example, governed the choice of disciplines and how they were learned (e. g., memorisation), but, most of all, the moral profile of the educational path and the way instinct and passions were mastered. Through the reading of some selected passages from Hippocrates and Galen and 14th- and 15th-century sources, the colloquium aims to reflect on Renaissance culture but also to draw attention to questions still very relevant today, such as the cultivation of talents and the problematic art of managing differences in the context of contemporary educational institutions.
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