Religious Historiography in Central Europe – Formation and Transformation of Institutional and Personal Memory in the Early Modern Period, Monastica Historia, Vol. 2

The volume is the second publication in the Monastica Historia series and focuses on the historiography of the Order, although the individual articles often have interesting thematic overlaps. It presents the results of research by Austrian, Czech and Polish scholars who have long been involved in the monastic environment of Central Europe. The four thematic areas touch upon various aspects of order historiography, from its identification and commemorative function to its contribution to cultural history and the specific features of individual orders. In terms of time, the collection focuses primarily on the Baroque period, which represents a time of great flowering for historiography. The contributions concerning a wide range of religious orders allow for a comparison of the situation in different countries, looking for differences but also for common lines of development. Material studies, analytical, essay-oriented, descriptive and those applying modern methodological impulses are represented.