Czech Historical Institute in Rome
Reestablished in 1993, the Czech Historical Institute in Rome continues the tradition and scientific mission of the Czechoslovak Institute in Rome, which was founded between 1921 and 1923 and existed until the annexation by German occupying forces in 1939 and then briefly from 1945 to 1948, when again it was shut down by the totalitarian government. The institute is part of the Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences. Since 1998, it has been a member of the international organization Unione Internazionale degli Istituti di Archeologia, Storia e Storia dell’Arte in Roma.
Istituto Storico Ceco di Roma
Via Concordia, 1
0183 Rome
doc. PhDr. Mgr. Tomáš Černušák, Ph.D.
tel: +420 532 290 504
Secretary of the Commission of the Czech Historical Institute in Rome
PhDr. Jiřina Jedináková
Commission of the Czech Historical Institute in Rome
Mgr. Eva Lehečková, Ph.D., Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Charles University
prof. PhDr. Martin Holý, Ph.D., Director of Institute of History, Czech Academy of Sciences
PhDr. Ing. Milan Vojáček, Ph.D., Director of the National Archives
PhDr. Daniel Doležal, Ph.D., Director of the Archiving Administration and Filing Service Department, Ministry of the Interior
PhDr. Jiřina Jedináková; Secretary of the Commission of the Czech Historical Institute in Rome
doc. PhDr. Mgr. Tomáš Černušák, Ph.D., Director of the Czech Historical Institute in Rome
doc. ThDr. Pavel Helan, Th.D., Hussite Theological Faculty, Charles University
doc. PhDr. Zdeněk Hojda, CSc., Faculty of Arts, Charles University
doc. PhDr. Jitka Jonová, Th.D., Sts Cyril and Methodius Faculty of Theology, Palacký University Olomouc
doc. Mgr. Antonín Kalous, M.A., Ph.D., Faculty of Arts, Palacký University Olomouc
prof. PhDr. Mgr. Tomáš Knoz, Ph.D., Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University
PhDr. Kateřina Kubínová, Ph.D., Institute of Art History, Czech Academy of Sciences
prof. PhDr. Jaroslav Pánek, DrSc., dr.h.c., Institute of History, Czech Academy of Sciences
PhDr. Alena Pazderová, National Archives
doc. Mgr. Jaroslav Šebek, Ph.D., DSc., Institute of History, Czech Academy of Sciences
Mgr. Kateřina Bobková-Valentová, Ph.D., Institute of History, Czech Academy of Sciences
prof. PhDr. Petr Vorel, CSc., Faculty of Arts, University of Pardubice
Major research projects
Epistulae et acta nuntiorum apostolicorum apud imperatorem (1592-1628)
Monumenta Vaticana res gesta Bohemicas illustrantia
The Czech Historical Institute in Rome publishes a journal Bollettino dell’Istituto Storico Ceco di Roma.
The Czech Historical Institute in Rome publishes books in two series at irregular intervals:
Acta Romana Bohemica
Biblioteca dell’Istituto Storico Ceco di Roma
The Institute offers scholarships in the form of free accommodation and use of the Institute's facilities to researchers from the Czech Republic in the fields of history, philology, law and archaeology. Applications for the scholarship are approved annually by the Commission of the Czech Historical Institute in Rome. Reports on research topics are presented in the periodical Bollettino dell´Istituto Storico Ceco di Roma and in the almanac Annuario, which is published by Unione Internazionale degli Istituti di Archeologia, Storia e Storia dell’Arte in Roma.
Deadline for submitting applications
30 April – for the period September to December of the current year
30 October – for the period January to August of the following year
Applications and reports (for download; only Czech)
Application for a scholarship at the Czech Historical Institute in Rome
Report of the scholarship at the Czech Historical Institute in Rome
Please send to the address of the Secretary of the Commission, PhDr Jedináková, the completed applications and reports by post or e-mail. The report must be submitted no later than 14 days after the end of the stay.
Documents for download
History of the Czech Historical Institute in Rome