Strategie AV21



Research Programme Strategie AV 21, Anatomy of European Society, History, Tradition, Culture, Identity

More about the programme HERE

Title of the Project: Středověké osídlení ‒ jádro evropských velkoměst. Na příkladu interaktivního kartografického obrazu Prahy / Medieval Settlement – The Core of European cities. On the Example of an Interactive Cartographic Image of Prague

Project Leader: prof. PhDr. Eva Semotanová, DrSc. (Institute of History)

Members of the team from the Institute of History of the CAS: PhDr. Eva Doležalová, Ph.D.Mgr. Jitka Močičková, Ph.D.;  PhDr. Robert Šimůnek, Ph.D., PhDr. Josef Žemlička, DrSc.

Members of the team from other instutitons: PhDr. Jan Frolík CSc. (Institute of Archeology of the CAS, Prague), Mgr. Petra Justová (Department of Geomatics, Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague)

Medieval Settlement of Prague

Title of the Project: Centralistické ambice a periferní realita: Srovnání a analýza vztahů národních, regionálních a lokálních identit v Jugoslávii / Centralist Ambitions and Peripheral Realities: a Comparison and Analysis of the Relationship between National, Regional and Local Identities in Yugoslavia

Project Leader: Mgr. Milan Sovilj, Ph.D. (Institute of History)

Members of the team from other instutitons: Edvin Pezo, Ph.D. (Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies, Regensburg), Stipica Grgić, Ph.D.(Croatian Institute of History, Zagreb)

Title of the Project: Database/Online dictionary on „Women Experts in Socialist Eastern Europe“

Project Leader: Annina Gagyiova, Ph.D. (Institute of History)

Title of the Project: Uchovávání historické paměti v době digitální / Preserving Historical Memory in the Digital Age

Project Leader: PhDr. Vojtěch Kessler, Ph.D. (Institute of History)

Members of the team from the Institute of History of the CAS: Mgr. Veronika Kršková

Members of the team from other institutions: Mgr. Marta Šimečková, Ph.D. (Institute of Czech Language of the CAS)


Title of the Project: Prague as a Cold War City and its Global Entanglements (1946/48 – 1989/91)

Project Leader: PhDr. Maroš Timko, Ph.D. (Institute of History)

Members of the team from other institutions: Mgr. Mikuláš Pešta, Ph.D. (Institute of Contemporary History of the CAS)

Title of the Project: Zdroje obživy a jejich udržitelnost v předindustriální krajině / Sources of Livelihood and their Sustainability in pre-Industrial Landscapes

Project Leader: doc. PhDr. Dana Dvořáčková-Malá, Ph.D. (Institute of History)

Members of the team from the Institute of History of the CAS: Mgr. Bc. Zuzana VařákováPhDr. František Záruba, Ph.D.Mgr. Ing. Michal Vokurka, Ph.D.

Research Programme Strategie AV 21, Epicentres of Civilization – Intelligent Households, Technology and Society

More about the programme HERE

Title of the Project: Zoonózy v dějinách i současnosti: nemoci – zvířata – lidé / Zoonoses in the Past and Present: Diseases – Animals – People

Project Leader: Mgr. Bc. Zuzana Vařáková (Institute of History)

Members of the team from the Institute of History of the CAS: Mgr. Babeta Jurámiková

Members of the team from other instutitons: Mgr. Barbora Hunčovská (Intitute of Archeology of the CAS, Prague) 

Title of the Project: Technologie, výstavba, diagnostika a údržba – středověká obydlí v krajině / Technology, Construction, Diagnostics and Maintenance – Medieval Dwellings in the Landscape

Project Leader: Mgr. František Záruba, Ph.D. (Institute of History)

Members of the team from other instutitons: Ing. Jaromír Kučera (Faculty of Mechanical Engeneering of the Czech Technical University in Prague), Ing. Michal Kloiber, Ph.D. (Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the CAS)

Title of the Project: Výzkum variability šlechtických domácností a rodinných struktur z perspektivy svobodných žen / Research on the Variability of Aristocratic Households and Family Structures from the Perspective of Unmarried Women

Project Leader: PhDr. Michaela Žáková, Ph.D. (Institute of History)

Members of the team from other instutitons: Ing. Marek Brabec, Ph.D. (Institute of Computer Science of the CAS)

Title of the Project: Society and Disability: Společnost a hendikep: každodenní život člověka s postižením v minulosti a dnes / Everyday Life of People with Disabilities in the Past and Present

Project Leader: Mgr. Jana Fantysová Matějková, Ph.D. (Institute of History)

Members of the team from the Institute of History of the CAS: PhDr. Eva Doležalová, Ph.D.PhDr. Lenka Blechová, Ph.D.

Members of the team from other instutitons: doc. Kateřina Kolářová, Ph.D.(Department of Sociology, Faculty of Humanities, Charles University), Ing. Mgr. Lucie Burešová (National Technical Museum)

Title of the Project: „Co je doma, to se počítá…“ Reflexe předmětů v domácnostech ve 20. století / "What's at Home Counts..." Reflection on Objects in the Home in the 20th Century

Project Leader: PhDr. Vojtěch Kessler, Ph.D. (Institute of History)

Members of the team from the Institute of History of the CAS: Mgr. Veronika Kršková

Members of the team from other instutitons: Mgr. Zdeňka Kulhavá (Museum of East Bohemia in Hradec Králové)


Research Programme Strategie AV 21, Identities in the World of Wars and Crises

More about the programme HERE

Title of the Project: Tekutá identita a geografie: Etnolingvistické mapy jako prostory prožitku a horizonty očekávání / Fluid Identity and Geography: Ethnolinguistic Maps as Spaces of Experience and Horizons of Expectation

Project Leader: Mgr. Jitka Močičková, Ph.D. (Institute of History), doc. PhDr. Stanislav Holubec, Ph.D. et Ph.D. (Institute of History)


Title of the Project: Proměna sexuality v české společnosti moderní doby / The Transformation of Sexuality in Modern Czech Society

Project Leader: Mgr. Bc. Lenka Křížová (Procházková), Ph.D. (Institute of History)

Members of the team from the Institute of History of the CAS: PhDr. Vojtěch Kessler, Ph.D., Mgr. Veronika Kršková


Research Programme Strategie AV 21, Resilient Society for 21st Century: Crisis Potentials and Effective Transformation

More about the programme HERE

Title of the Project: Prožívání krizí v minulosti nebo krize v prožívání minulosti? Reflexe krizových události v pramenech dějin všedního dne v kontextu soudobých výzev / Experiencing Crises in the Past or Crises in Experiencing the Past? Reflection on Crisis Events in the Sources of Everyday History in the Context of Contemporary Challenges

Project Leader: PhDr. Vojtěch Kessler, Ph.D. (Institute of History)

Members of the team from the Institute of History of the CAS: Mgr. Veronika Kršková



Research Programme Strategie AV 21, Anatomy of European Society, History, Tradition, Culture, Identity

More about the programme HERE

Title of the Project: Středověké osídlení ‒ jádro evropských velkoměst. Na příkladu interaktivního kartografického obrazu Prahy / Medieval Settlement – The Core of European cities. On the Example of an Interactive Cartographic Image of Prague

Project Leader: prof. PhDr. Eva Semotanová, DrSc. (Institute of History)

Members of the team from the Institute of History of the CAS: PhDr. Eva Doležalová, Ph.D.Mgr. Jitka Močičková, Ph.D.;  PhDr. Robert Šimůnek, Ph.D., PhDr. Josef Žemlička, DrSc.

Members of the team from other instutitons: PhDr. Jan Frolík CSc. (Institute of Archeology of the CAS, Prague)

Medieval Settlement of Prague

Title of the Project: Uchovávání historické paměti v době digitální / Preserving Historical Memory in the Digital Age

Project Leader: PhDr. Vojtěch Kessler, Ph.D. (Institute of History)

Members of the team from the Institute of History of the CAS: Mgr. Veronika Kršková


Title of the Project: Natural Law in East-Central European Discourse during the Enlightenment

Project Leader: PhDr. Jan Květina, Ph.D. (Institute of History)

Members of the team from other instutitons: doc. PhDr. Ivo Cerman, Ph.D.(University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice)


Title of the Project: Rybníky jako potenciální nebezpečí / Ponds as a Potential Danger

Project Leader: Ing. Mgr. Michal Vokurka, Ph.D. (Institute of History)

Members of the team from other instutitons: Ing. František Mužík (Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Technical University in Prague)


Title of the Project: Centralistické ambice a periferní realita: Srovnání a analýza vztahů národních, regionálních a lokálních identit v Jugoslávii / Centralist Ambitions and Peripheral Realities: a Comparison and Analysis of the Relationship between National, Regional and Local Identities in Yugoslavia

Project Leader: Mgr. Milan Sovilj, Ph.D. (Institute of History)

Members of the team from other instutitons: Edvin Pezo, Ph.D. (Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies, Regensburg), Stipica Grgić, Ph.D.(Croatian Institute of History, Zagreb)

Title of the Project: Land use a udržitelná domácnost v době předmoderní / Land Use and the Sustainable Household in pre-Modern Times

Project Leader: doc. PhDr. Dana Dvořáčková-Malá, Ph.D. (Institute of History)

Members of the team from the Institute of History of the CAS: Mgr. Bc. Zuzana Vařáková, PhDr. František Záruba, Ph.D., Mgr. Ing. Michal Vokurka, Ph.D., Mgr. Tomáš Sterneck, Ph.D.

Members of the team from other instutitons: Ing. Jaromír Kučera (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague), Mgr. Jan Kolář, Ph.D. (Institute of Experimental Botany of the CAS), PhDr. Milena Bravermanová

Research Programme Strategie AV 21, City as a Laboratory of Change, Historical Heritage and Place for Safe and Quality Life

More about the programme HERE

Title of the Project: Město jako paměťová a narativní mapa / The City as a Memory and Narrative Map

Project Leader: PhDr. Vojtěch Kessler, Ph.D. (Institute of History)

Members of the team from the Institute of History of the CAS: Mgr. Veronika Kršková

Members of the team from other instutitons: Mgr. Eliška Švarná (Masaryk Institute and Archives of the Czech Academy of Sciences)


Title of the Project: Raný novověk online: digitální podpora v historickém vzdělávání / Early Modern Period Online: Digital Support in the Education of History

Project Leader: PhDr. Jan Květina, Ph.D. (Institute of History)

Members of the team from other instutitons: PhDr. Jiří Hrbek, Ph.D., Mgr. Bc. Lenka Křížová (Procházková), Ph.D.

Members of the team from other instutitons: a broad team of teachers and didacticians from various departments in the Czech Republic (faculties of education, secondary schools, primary schools)


Research Programme Strategie AV 21, Identities in the World of Wars and Crises

More about the programme HERE

Title of the Project: Proměna sexuality v české společnosti moderní doby / The Transformation of Sexuality in Modern Czech Society

Project Leader: Mgr. Bc. Lenka Křížová (Procházková), Ph.D. (Institute of History)

Members of the team from the Institute of History of the CAS: PhDr. Vojtěch Kessler, Ph.D.


Title of the Project: Hranice a tekutá identita: Mapy jako zbraně i komunikační nástroje / Borders and Fluid Identity: Maps as Weapons and Communication Tools

Project Leader: Mgr. Jitka Močičková, Ph.D. (Institute of History), doc. PhDr. Stanislav Holubec, Ph.D. et Ph.D. (Institute of History)


Title of the Project: Sociální nerovnost a sociální identita v České republice 1990–2022 / Social Inequality and Social Identity in the Czech Republic 1990–2022

Project Leader: doc. Ing. Jiří Večerník, CSc. (Institute of Sociology of the CAS)

Project Leader for the Institute of History: doc. PhDr. Stanislav Holubec, Ph.D. et Ph.D. (Institute of History)

Research Programme Strategie AV 21, Resilient Society for 21st Century: Crisis Potentials and Effective Transformation

More about the programme HERE

Title of the Project: Prožívání krizí v minulosti nebo krize v prožívání minulosti? Reflexe krizových událotí v pramenech dějin všedního dne v kontextu soudobých výzev / Experiencing Crises in the Past or Crises in the Experience of the Past? Reflection on Crisis Events in the Sources of Everyday History in the Context of Contemporary Challenges

Project Leader: PhDr. Vojtěch Kessler, Ph.D. (Institute of History)

Members of the team from the Institute of History of the CAS: Mgr. Veronika Kršková


Title of the Project: Korupce – klientelismus – krize v Evropě 1789–1989

Project Leader: PhDr. Emil Voráček, DrSc. (Institute of History)

Members of the team from the Institute of History of the CAS: doc. PhDr. Stanislav Holubec, Ph.D. et Ph.D. 

Members of the team from other instutitons: PhDr. David Hubený, Ph.D. (National Archives), PhDr. Jaroslav Valkoun, PhD. (Instite of World History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University), PhDr. Kristýna Bašná, Ph.D. (Institute of Sociology of the CAS), PhDr. Pavla Chmelíková (Instite of World History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University), PhDr. Miroslav Šepták, Ph.D. (Faculty of Arts, University of South Bohemia), PhDr. Jan Kober, Ph.D. (Institute of State and Law of the CAS)