Religious Violence, Confessional Conflicts and Models for Violence Prevention in Central Europe (15th–18th Centuries) / Religiöse Gewalt, konfessionelle Konflikte und Modelle von Gewaltprävention in Mitteleuropa (15.–18. Jahrhundert)

The monograph, published by the Institute of History of the CAS in cooperation with the University of Stuttgart, is devoted to the issue of religious violence that occurred during the 15th–18th centuries in the Czech lands as well as in the wider Central European area. It contains a total of 21 studies by domestic and foreign historians who formulated their initial theses for these articles at the international scientific symposium on confessional violence held in Prague in 2014. The book has an interdisciplinary character, and in addition to political and religious history, it also includes the history of literature, visual arts, theology, etc. Thematically, the book is divided into three parts, the first dealing with the types of confessional violence and their causes, the second with the role of religion in the origins and course of these conflicts, and the third tracing the efforts that have been made to moderate religiously motivated violence. The individual studies are published in English or German, with each text accompanied by an English summary and a summary in the other world language (the German contributions have English summaries and vice versa). The monograph is accompanied by an index of place and personal names. The publication is intended for the scholarly public as well as for all others interested in the religious history of the early modern period.