Old Jundrov

The book about the old Jundrov is a narrative, but above all a pictorial walk through the once independent village, which became a part of Brno in 1919. Nearly 20 thematic chapters present Jundrov in the era of photography, from the earliest depiction in 1867 to the 1970s, when the panorama and the traditional climate of the village were fundamentally affected by socialist building. Sometime in between, the fields disappeared and with them the peasants, the Svratka River changed its channel and ceased to be forded by little steamers and rowing club boats, the German minority left their homes and the “Jundrov of two faces” dissolved, the faithful lost their chapel and the agricultural people were displaced by the workers who spread out around the original small village core. But, of course, many new ones have sprung up and put down strong roots, to which today’s now mixed-up citizens of Jundrov are proud to claim. The book was written on the occasion of the 740th anniversary of the first mention of the village and contains over 600 annotated photographs and a number of accompanying texts.