Peninsula Crimea, From the Crossroads of Cultures to the Russian Colony. Greece – Rome – Byzantium – Ottoman Empire – Crimean Khanate – Russian Empire – Soviet Union – Ukraine – Russian Federation

The authors of the collective monograph try to show the gradual transformation of Crimea from a multicultural crossroads of the ancient world to the colony of Russia. The book deals with, among other things, the annexation of Crimea by the Russian Empress Catherine II in 1783, as well as the annexation of Crimea by Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin in 2014. It explains analogies and differences and under what circumstances Crimea became Russian, respectively how Russian colonialism asserted itself and manifested itself there. The two basic studies on the history of Crimea and on Russian literature with a Crimean theme are complemented by partial studies from the field of archaeology, Polish and Ukrainian literature. The book emphasizes Russia's imperial consciousness and efforts to occupy Ukraine, for which the annexation of Crimea in 2014 was a preparatory step.