Academic Encyclopaedia of the Czech History. Vol. VIII (M: Hungarian emigration – Salary system)

The eighth volume of the encyclopaedia, which has been produced by the Institute of History of the Czech Academy od Sciences and the work of its researchers in cooperation with leading experts from other academic and university institutions, contains approximately 330 entries, some of them very extensive. Although it is polythematic, a significant part of the large and medium-sized entries concerns the history of Moravia in territorial, national, cultural, social and institutional contexts. Adequate attention is also given to the Hungarian minority in Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic, Hungarian organizations and political parties, and Hungarian and Macedonian political emigration in the Czech lands. Other thematic areas include the history of cities and urban institutions, state administration (ministries from the 19th century to the present) and the involvement of Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic in international organisations and peace treaties. A number of entries deal with economic theories (mercantilism, monetarism, etc.), political and political-philosophical concepts (monarchism, monarchomachism, multiculturalism) or ideologies (Marxism, Marxism-Leninism). Other entries illuminate a multitude of concepts related to the political, economic, military and diplomatic, cultural and ecclesiastical history of the Middle Ages, the early modern period and the 19th, 20th and early 21st centuries.