Bohemian Brethren Nobility in Bohemia and Moravia and the Formation of Confessional Identity in the Early Modern Age

The monograph concentrates on a group of the Unity of Brethren nobility that played the role of patrons and protectors of the confessional community of the Unity of Brethren in Bohemia and Moravia in the 16th and 17th century. It analysed decisive influence on creation of the noblemen's confessional identity, just as methods which the Brethren noblemen's presented their confessional identity by material support to local congregations, demonstrations of educational or cultural patronage or reception of religiously educative literature. The book brings edition of the noblemen's correspondence from the Archives of Matouš Konečný, inter alia, the still unknown letters of Václav Budovec of Budov and Charles the Elder of Žerotín.