Born from the Enlightenment Reforms. Tolerance Preachers from Hungary in the Process of the Formation of Czech Society (1781-1870)

The book Born from the Enlightenment Reforms. Tolerance Preachers from Hungary in the Process of the Formation of Czech Society (1781-1870) introduces the socio-professional group of Protestant pastors of the Augsburg and Helvetic Confessions, newly “born” in Bohemia and Moravia as a result of the Patent of Toleration of Emperor Joseph II, with an emphasis on a comprehensive assessment of social and economic specifics. The monograph does so by comparing three generational layers and using a wide range of primary sources. The aim of the publication is to trace the process of the integration of the preacher families into Bohemian society as a dual minority – different in their origin as well as in religion. The authors examine the strategies used by the preachers to overcome language and cultural barriers, as well as the evolution of their social status.
The publication can be purchased in commercial bookshops.