In monte Oliveti. Litomyšl and the Book Culture of the Unity of Brethren in the 16th century

The publication arose as a result of the long-term research on the history of book culture of the Unity of Brethren, which is currently taking place in the Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences. The first part of the publication summarizes some specific results of this research (book printing in Litomyšl and the local community of the Bohemian Brethren there in the first half of the 16th century; the origin and history of the Kralice Bible; the hymn book production of the Unity of Brethren); the second part is dedicated to the majority of exhibits from the exhibition entitled “In monte Oliveti. Litomyšl and the Book Culture of the Unity of Brethren in the 16th Century” that was organized by the Regional Museum in Litomyšl in the summer 2019, in the manner of critical exhibition catalogues.