Members of the International Brigades, Czechoslovakia and the Spanish Civil War. The Unknown Chapters from the History of Czechoslovak Participation in the Spanish Civil War 1936–1939

The attention is focused on lesser known or neglected aspects of the Spanish Civil War and the International Brigades, and especially on the life fates of Czechoslovak volunteers. The publication is thematically divided into two main parts. The first includes the broader context of contemporary Spanish, world and Czechoslovak politics, international intervention, and the relationship of great powers to the Spanish Civil War. The current historiographical overview of variability of approaches, methods and topic processing is also included. The second part is devoted to Czechoslovak volunteers of international brigades, with an emphasis on their life fates before and after engaging in fighting in Spain.
A separate theme of the reflection of the Spanish Civil War in culture is illustrated by the overview chapter on the Czech (Czechoslovak) translation literature and a set of reproductions of Spanish posters from from the collections of the National Archives in Prague. The monographs are supplemented by facsimiles originating from the Russian archives, capturing aggregate statistics of inter-brigades, prepared in 1940 for the Comintern authorities.