The Desperate Revolutionary. The Thoughts and Everyday Life of Luisa Landová-Štychová (1885–1969)

The book deals with one of the first Czech professional female politicians active since the 1910s until the 1960s, who dedicated her life to activities in anarchist, feminist, atheist, socialist and later communist movement. Being always a sort of outsider and without formal education she neverheless developed many insightful ideas and become well known as advocate of abortinon, sexual education and antifascism. After luckily surviing Nazi occupation, she was active in astronomic and non-believers groups and in the movement for collective homes. During the 1950s she started to criticize Czechoslovak state socialism from the left. She died more or less disappointed by the unfulfilling of her youth dreams of society combining freedom with equality.
The publication can be purchased in commercial bookshops.