doc. Mgr. Roman Baron, Ph.D.
Research Associate – Department of Modern Transnational and Intellectual History

Research areas
Czech-Polish relations in modern history
Graduated programmes, schools and thesis topics, academic degrees
1988–1993: Master in History, Jagiellonian University, thesis title: Plany polsko-czechosłowackiej konfederacji w latach II wojny światowej (1939–1942) / Plans of Polish-Czechoslovak Confederation during World War II (1939–1942)
1997–2001: Ph.D. in History, University of Opole, thesis title: Działalność Towarzystwa Szkoły Ludowej w Zagłębiu Ostrawsko-Karwińskim (1894–1919) / Social and Educational Activities of Towarzystwo Szkoły Ludowej in Ostrava-Karviná Coal Basin (1894–1919)
2020–2021: Habilitation Procedure (doc.) in Czech and Czechoslovak History, Faculty of Philosophy and Science, Silesian University, thesis title: Misja życia. Praski polonista Marian Szyjkowski (1883–1952) a idea polsko-czeskiego zbliżenia na polu kultury / A Life Mission. The Prague Polonist Marian Szyjkowski (1883–1952) and the Idea of Czech-Polish Affiliation in the Area of Culture
Foreign internships and scholarships
2003: East European Summer School of the University of Warsaw
2005: Queen Jadwiga Fund of the Jagielonian University in Cracow, one-month study stay
2014: Scholarschip of the Polish History Museum, one-month study stay
International grants and projects
2013: Czech Polish Studies in the European Context, project of the Czech-Polish Forum at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, leader of the research team
2014: Czech Polish Studies in the European Context II, project of the Czech-Polish Forum at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, leader of the research team
Domestic grants and major projects
2016: Ist Congress of Polish Bohemian Studies, member of the organizing committee of periodic congresses
2019: Ist Congress of Czech Polish Studies, 2nd vice-chairman of the organizing committee of periodical congresses
2019–2021: Česká univerzitní polonistika do roku 1939 / Czech University Polish Studies before 1939, Czech Science Foundation, Standard Projects, reg. n. GA19-09017S, beneficiary: Institute of History of the CAS, cobeneficiary: Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University; Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Principal Investigator
Teaching activities
Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University (since 2015)
Membership of editorial boards
Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Slavonic Review [Slovanský přehled]
Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Works of Faculty of Education of Masaryk University, Humanities [Sborník prací Pedagogické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity, řada společenských věd]
Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Czech-Polish Historical and Pedagogical Journal
Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Recent History [Dzieje Najnowsze]
Member of the Editorial Board of the journal History Notebooks [Prace Historyczne, Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego]
Deputy Editor-in-Chief and member of the Editorial Board of the journal Historia Slavorum Occidentis
Membership in domestic and foreign professional societies and scientific councils
Member of the Programme Committee of the Czech-Polish Forum at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic (since 2009)
Member of the Committee and Czech coordinator of the Polish-Czech Scientific Association [Polsko-česká vědecká společnost] (since 2008)
Member of the Association of Historians of the Czech Republic [Sdružení historiků České republiky] (since 2012)
Member of the Czech National Committee of Historians [Český národní komitét historiků] (since 2012)
Member of the Examination Doctoral Board, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University (since 2016)
Member of the Examination Board for the State Ddoctoral Examination (since 2016)
Member of the Examination Board of the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University (since 2010)
Significant awards
2019: "Bene Merito" Honorary Badge of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland