Mgr. Milan Sovilj, Ph.D.
Research Associate – Department of Modern Transnational and Intellectual History

Research areas
Czechoslovakia-Yugoslav relations, history of Yugoslavia, international relations of Central and South-Eastern European countries in the 20th century
Graduated programmes, schools and thesis topics, academic degrees
2000–2005: study of History, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
2005–2008: Master in History – History of Yugoslavia, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, thesis title: Jugoslovensko-čehoslovačke kulturne veze i odnosi 1945–1950 / Yugoslav-Czechoslovak Cultural Connections and Relations in 1945–1950
2009–2015: Ph.D. in History – General History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, thesis title: Jugoslovensko-čehoslovačke kulturne veze i odnosČeskoslovensko-jugoslávské vztahy v letech 1939–1941: od zániku Československé republiky do okupace Království Jugoslávie / Czechoslovak-Yugoslav Relations in 1939–1941: Since the Dissolution of Czechoslovakia until the Occupation of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia
Foreign internships and scholarships
2–4/2011: The Institute of Political Science of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
4–8/2012: Free University of Berlin
10/2017: University of Glasgow, The National Archives Kew London
3/2023: The Institute of Contemporary History, Ljubljana
International grants and projects
2008–2010: Srbi i Jugoslavija, država, društvo i politika / Serbs and Yugoslavia: The State, Society and Politics, Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation of the Republic of Serbia, beneficiary: The Institute for Recent History of Serbia, Belgrade, team member
2010: Češi a Slovinci v evropské transformaci 20. století / Czechs and Slovenes in the European Transformation of the 20th Century, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic, Contact" programme within the Slovenian-Czech Cooperation Programme in Science and Technology, beneficiary: Faculty of Arts, Charles University, team member
Domestic grants and major projects
2011: Reflexe události v Protektorátu Čechy a Morava jugoslávským tiskem a politickou elitou v letech 1939–1941 / Reflections on Events in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia in the Yugoslav Press and by the Yugoslav Political Elite in 1939–1941, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Project Scholarship of the Faculty of Arts of Charles University 2011, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Principal Investigator
2013: Historie v interdisciplinární perspektivě, podprogram Profilace – asimilace – koexistence – integrace – reflexe (vývoj jazykových, konfesních, etnických a národních identit v areálu východní a jihovýchodní Evropy) / History in an Interdisciplinary Perspective, Sub-Program: Profiling – Assimilation – Coexistence – Integration – Reflection. Development of Linguistic, Confessional, Ethnic and National Identities in the Area of Eastern and South-Eastern Europe), Faculty of Arts, Charles University, PRVOUK-P12, team member
2013: „Z protektorátního pekla do svobodného světa“ – Cesty československé emigrace přes Balkán v letech 1939–1941: případ Jugoslávie / “From Protectorate Hell to a Free World” – The Roads of Czechoslovak Emigration through the Balkans in 1939–1941: The Case of Yugoslavia, Internal Grant of the Faculty of Arts, Charles University, ID number: VG 164, Principal Investigator
2015–2016: Stalinský plán přetvoření přírody v Československu (1948–1964) / The Stalin Plan for the Transformation of Nature in Czechoslovakia (1948–1964), Czech Science Foundation, Standard Projects, reg. n. GA15-04902S, beneficiary: Institute of Contemporary History of the CAS, team member
2016–2018: Vztahy československého a jugoslávského exilu ve Velké Británii v letech 1941–1945 a koncepce poválečné obnovy Československa a Jugoslávie / Relations between Czechoslovak and Yugoslav Exiles in Great Britain in 1941–1945 and their Opinions on Post-War Development in Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia, Postdoctoral Project of the Academy of Sciences, reg. n. L300631651; beneficiary: Institute of Contemporary History of the CAS, Principal Investigator
2017–2019: Československo a Jugoslávie v 70. a 80. letech 20. století. Politická, sociální a kulturní interakce a vzájemná reflexe v období pozdního socialismu / Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia in the 1970s and 80s. Political, Social and Cultural Interactions and Mutual Reflections in the Period of Late Socialism, Czech Science Foundation, Standard Projects, reg. n. GA17-26471S, beneficiary: Faculty of Arts, Charles University, team member
2018–2021: Příslušníci německé branné moci v řadách čs. armády za druhé světové války jako příklad marginalizace v procesu tvorby historické paměti / Former German Soldiers in the Czechoslovak Army during World War II as an Example of Marginalization in the Process of Creating of Historical m´Memory, Czech Science Foundation, Standard Projects, reg. n. GA18-11418S, beneficiary: Institute of Contemporary History of the CAS, team member
2018–2019, 2020–2022: Kreativita a adaptabilita jako předpoklad úspěchu Evropy v propojeném světě / Creativity and Adaptability as Conditions of the Success of Europe in an Interrelated World – KREAS, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic, Operational Programme Research, Development and Education, beneficiary: Faculty of Arts, Charles University, team member
2021: Československá cesta do studené války a sovětského bloku / Czechoslovakia’s Road to the Cold War and the Soviet Bloc, Czech Science Foundation, Standard Projects, reg. n. GA 21-33535S, beneficiary: Institute of Contemporary History of the CAS, team member
Teaching activities
Institute of History, Philosophical Faculty, University of Hradec Králové (2018–2020)
Membership of editorial boards
Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Synesis [Sineza], Faculty of Philosophy, History [Fontes – Izvori za hrvatsku povijest], Croatian State Archives (since 2023)
Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Fontes - Sources for the Croatian History [Fontes – Izvori za hrvatsku povijest], Croatian State Archives
Member of the International Editorial Board of the journal Review of Croatian History, Croatian Institute of History (since 2024)
Membership in domestic and foreign professional societies and scientific councils
Member of the Czech Society for Slavonic, Balkan and Byzantine Studies [Česká společnost pro slavistická, balkanistická a byzantologická studia] (since 2018)
Member of the Balkan History Association (since 2021)