prof. PhDr. Jan Županič, Ph.D.
Head Research Associate – Department of Modern Cultural and Social History

Research areas
modern history and history of the elites of Central Europe, formation and development of the new nobility, history of the aristocracy, Czech-Lichtenstein relations
Graduated programmes, schools and thesis topics, academic degrees
1990–1996: Master in History – Auxiliary Historical Sciences and Archive Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, thesis title: Polská otázka a ústřední mocnosti za první světové války / The Polish Question and the Central Powers in First World War
1997–2001: Ph.D. in World and General History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, thesis title: Rakousko-uherská zahraniční politika a polská otázka za první světové války (1914–1918) / Austro-Hungarian foreign Policy and the Polish Question in First World War (1914–1918)
2002: Rigorosum proceedings (PhDr.), Faculty of Arts, Charles University
2007: Habilitation Procedure (doc.) in World and General History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, thesis title: Nová šlechta Rakouského císařství / The New Nobility of the Austrian Empire
2014: Professor Appointment Procedure (prof.) in World and General History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University
2025: Research Professor (DSc.), Czech Academy of Sciences, thesis title: Habsburská šlechta. Proměna elit podunajské monarchie v dlouhém 19. století / Habsburg Nobility. The Transformation of the Elites of the Danube Monarchy in the Long 19th Century
Foreign internships and scholarships
1993–1994: University of Konstanz
2008: Liechtenstein-Institut, Research and Teaching, Bendern
2013: University of Innsbruck, Faculty of Humanities, visiting professor for history and ethnology
Domestic grants and major projects
2003–2005: „Nová šlechta“ v Čechách (1867–1918) / The "New Nobility" in Bohemia (1867–1918), Czech Science Foundation, Postdoctoral Grants, reg. n. 409/03/P012, beneficiary: Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Principal Investigator
2006–2008: České měšťanské a novošlechtické elity v rakousko-uherské diplomatické službě v letech 1914–1918 / Czech Bourgeois and New Noble Elites in the Austro-Hungarian Diplomatic Service in 1914–1918, Charles University Grant Agency, reg. n. 324/2006 A HN, beneficiary: Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Principal Investigator
2008: Knížata z Liechtensteina a vznik Československa / Prince of Liechtenstein and the Creation of Czechoslovakia, EEA and Norway Grants, EEA and Norwegian Financial Mechanisms, Individual Mobility Grant, reg. n. 4/003/08/01, beneficiary: Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Principal Investigator
2008–2011: Židovská šlechta v českých zemích / The Jewish Nobility in the Czech Lands, Czech Science Foundation, Standard Projects, reg. n. 404/08/0259, beneficiary: Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Principal Investigator
2011–2013: Šlechtický archiv c. k. ministerstva vnitra a nobilitační listiny Národního archivu. Kritická edice a databáze / Nobility Archive of the k. k. Ministry of Interior and Documents of Ennoblement of the National Archives. Critical Edition and Database, Czech Science Foundation, Standard Projects, reg. n. 410/11/0535, beneficiary: Faculty of Arts, Charles University; National Archives, Principal Investigator
2014–2016: Židovské šlechtické elity střední Evropy v komparativní perspektivě / Jewish Noble Elites in Central Europe in Comparative Perspective, Czech Science Foundation, Standard Projects, reg. n. 14-04113S, beneficiary: Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Principal Investigator
2018–2020: Šlechtická politika habsburské monarchie v dlouhém 19. století / Aristocratic Policy of the Habsburg Monarchy in the Long 19th Century, Czech Science Foundation, Standard Projects, reg. n 18-00386S, beneficiary: Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Principal Investigator
2018–2022: Hardtmuth: od uhlu k tužkařskému impériu / Hardtmuth: from Charcoal to a Pencil Empire, Ministry of Culture, NAKI - Program to Support Applied Research in the Field of National and Cultural identity, ID number: DG18P02OVV003, beneficiary: National Technical Museum; National Museum of Agriculture, National Heritage Institute, coordinator of the project
Teaching activities
Institute of World History, Faculty of Arts, Charles Univerzity (since 1999)
Membership of editorial boards
Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Acta Universitatis Carolinae Philosophica et Historica
Member of the Editorial Board of the journal The Polish Heraldry Society Yearbook [Rocznik Polskiego Towarzystwa Heraldycznego]
Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Prague Papers on the History of International Relations
Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Nobilitas in historia moderna
Membership in domestic and foreign professional societies and scientific councils
Member of the Subject-Area Board of the Doctoral Programme History/General History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University (since 2007)
Member of the Polish Heraldic Society [Polskie Towarzystwo Heraldyczne] (since 2008)
Member of the Czech-Liechtenstein Commission of Historians [Česko-lichtenštejnské komise historiků] (2009–2013)
Member, Vice-Chairman and Chairman of the Discipline Committees 410 Social Sciences and Humanities (2009–2013, 2014–2017)
Member of the Sub-committee for Heraldry and Vexillology of the Parliament of the Czech Republic [Podvýbor pro heraldiku a vexilologii Parlamentu České republiky] (since 2010)
Member of the Subject-Area Board of the Doctoral Programme Auxiliary Historical Sciences, Faculty of Arts, Charles University (since 2016)
Member of the International Academy of Heraldry [Académie internationale d'Héraldique] (since 2019)
Member of the Research Board of the Faculty of Education, Charles University (since 2020)
Significant awards
2021: Silver Medal of the President of the Chamber of Deputies for activity in the expert group for heraldry and vexillology of the Sub-committee for Heraldry and Vexillology
2024: Main Award of Miroslav Ivanov for Non-Fiction 2023
2024: Josef Hlávka Award for Scientific Book 2024