PhDr. Lenka Blechová, Ph.D.
Research Associate – Department of Medieval History

Research areas
edition of sources from the reigns of Charles IV and Wenceslaus IV; edition of sources on the history of Jews in the Kingdom of Bohemia in the Middle Ages
Graduated programmes, schools and thesis topics, academic degrees
1980–1985: Master in Classical Philology – Czech Language, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, thesis title: Sociální terminologie v narativních pramenech bohemikálního původu / Social Terminology in Narrative Sources of Bohemical Origin
1985–1986: Rigorosum proceedings (PhDr.) in Classical Philology – specialisation in Medieval Latin Literature, Faculty of Arts, Charles University
1988–2000: Ph.D. in History of the Middle Ages, Faculty of Arts, University of Novi Sad, Serbia, thesis title: Postavení žen ve středověkém Kotoru / Women of medieval Catharo
International grants and projects
Corpus der Quellen zur Geschichte der Juden im spätmittelalterlichen Reich / Corpus of Sources on the History of Jews in the Late Medieval Holy Roman Empire, Arye Maimon-Institut für Geschichte der Juden, team member
Domestic grants and major projects
2011–2014: Soužití křesťanského a židovského obyvatelstva ve středověkých Čechách / Coexistence of Christian and Jewish population in medieval Bohemia, Czech Science Foundation, Standard Projects, reg. n. P405/11/1982, beneficiary: Institute of History of the CAS, team member
2012–2015: Vývoj digitálních technologií ke zpřístupnění prosopografických a topografických kartoték badatelů minulosti se zvláštním zřetelem k fondu Augusta Sedláčka / Development of Digital Technologies Making Prosopographic and Topographic Files of Past Researchers Accessible to Public, with Special Regard to the August Sedláček Collection, Ministry of Culture, NAKI - Program to Support Applied Research in the Field of National and Cultural identity, ID number: DF12P01OVV019, beneficiary: Institute of History of the CAS, team member
2015–2017: Dítě ve středověku a raném novověku v českých zemích / Child in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age in the Czech Lands, Czech Science Foundation, Standard Projects, reg. n. 15-02196S, beneficiary: Institute of History of the CAS, team member
2017–2019: RBMV X. Listiny a listy východočeských archivů z doby Václava IV. / RBMV X. Documents and letters from East Bohemian archives from the period of Wenceslas IV., Czech Science Foundation, Standard Projects, reg. n. 17-16153S, beneficiary: Institute of History of the CAS, Principal Investigator
2019–2024: Migrace a mobilita v pražské židovské obci na přechodu od středověku k ranému novověku / Migration and Mobility in Prague’s Jewish Community at the Transition of the Middle Ages to the Early Modern Period, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Lumina quaeruntur Fellowship, ID number: LQ300151901, beneficiary: Institute of History of the CAS, team member
Teaching activities
University of Montenegro – conducting the block seminar Jewish Culture (since 2014)
Membership of editorial boards
Member of the Editorial board of the journal Yearbook of the Kotor Maritime Museum [Godišnjak Pomorskog muzeja Kotor], Montenegro
Member of the Editorial board of the international journal Initial. A Review of Medieval Studies, Belgrade [Inicijal. Časopis za srednjovekovne studije]
Membership in domestic and foreign professional societies and scientific councils
Member of the Union of Classical Philologists [Jednota klasických filologů] (since 1985)
Fellow of the Centre for Medieval Studies (since 2010)
Member of Notary. Centre for the Presentation of the Documentary Heritage of Kotor in Kotor [Notar. Centar za njegovanje i prezentaciju dokumentarnog nasljedja Kotora in Catharo], Montenegro (since 1993)
Member of the Czech Society for Slavonic, Balkan and Byzantine Studies [Česká společnost pro slavistická, balkanistická a byzantologická studia] (since 2019)
Fellow of the Arye Maimon‘s Institute, Trier (since 2015)
Significant awards
2006: „21. Novembar“ – Award for contribution to research on the history of Catharo, Montenegro