Mgr. Bc. Zuzana Vařáková

Website and Eshop Administrator
PhD Student – Department of Medieval History
Technical Assistant of the Institute of History Press

+420 225 443 247

Research areas

historical animal studies, medieval encyclopaedias, transfer of knowledge, digital humanities

Graduated programmes, schools and thesis topics, academic degrees

2016–2019: Bachelor in History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, thesis title: Vlk zatracený, obávaný a zesměšňovaný v české středověké společnosti / The Damned, Feared and Ridiculed Wolf in the Bohemian Medieval Society

2019–2022: Master in Czech History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, thesis title: Užitková zvířata ve středověku. Zdroj obživy, pomocník i vznešený symbol / Farm Animals in the Middle Ages. A Source of Livelihood, a Helper and a Noble Symbol

2019–2023: Bachelor in English and American Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, thesis title: Corpus Based Analysis of Selected Lexicon for Horses, its Collocations and Adjectives in Middle and Early Modern English

since 2022: PhD in Philosophy and History of Science, Faculty of Science, Charles University, thesis title: Rané formování zoologického poznání v českých zemích v encyklopedické a s ní související literární tradici / Early Formation of Zoological Knowledge in the Bohemian Lands in the Encyclopedic and Related Literary Tradition

Domestic grants and major projects

2024: „Land use“ a udržitelná domácnost v době předmoderní / „Land use“ and the Sustainable Household in Pre-Modern Times, Strategy AV21,
research programme Anatomy of European Society, research topic European Landscape, team member

2024–: Sbírka Kunstkammer Rudolfa II. jako obraz raně novověkého vědění o přírodě / The Collection of Kunstkammer of Rudolf II. as an Image of Early Modern Knowledge of Nature, Charles University Grant Agency, team member

Membership in domestic and foreign professional societies and scientific councils

Secretary of the Research Centre on Courts and Residences [Výzkumné centrum Dvory a rezidence] (since 2023)

Significant awards

2023: Mathesius Award for the BA thesis Corpus Based Analysis of Selected Lexicon for Horses, its Collocations and Adjectives in Middle and Early Modern English (Vilém Mathesius Foundation for the Promotion of English and American Studies in Prague)