Mgr. Kateřina Bobková-Valentová, Ph.D.

Head – Department of Early Modern History  
Research Associate – Department of Early Modern History

+420 225 443 248

Research areas

ecclesiastical history of the early modern period with a focus on the history of everyday life and prosopography of religious communities, history of education and neo-Latin theatre

Graduated programmes, schools and thesis topics, academic degrees

1989–1996: Master in History – Latin Language, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, thesis title: Divadlo na klementinském gymnáziu ve dvacátých letech 18. století / Theatre at the Clementinum Gymnasium in the 1720s

1996–2000: Ph.D. in Economic and Social History, Faculty of Arts, thesis topic: Každodenní život učitele a žáka jezuitského gymnázia / Everyday Life of a Teacher and a Pupil at a Jesuit Gymnasium

Foreign internships and scholarships

5–7/1998: Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Erasmus programme

Domestic grants and major projects

2009–2011: Postavení jednotlivce v řádových komunitách Čech a Moravy v raném novověku / Position of an Individual in Communities of Religious Orders in Czech Lands in Early Modern Period, Grant Agency of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Grants of Distinctly Investigative Character Focused on the Sphere of Research Pursued at Present, Particularly in the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, reg. n. IAA800150902, beneficiary: Institute of History of the CAS, Principal Investigator

2014–2016: Zdroje, formy a funkce monastické historiografie raného novověku v českých zemích / Sources, Forms, and Functions of Monastic Historiography of the Early Modern Period in the Bohemian Lands, Czech Science Foundation, Standard Projects, reg. n. 14-05167S, beneficiary: Institute of History of the CAS, cobeneficiary: Faculty of Arts, Palacký University Olomouc, Principal Investigator

2016–2020: Telč a jezuité, řád a jeho mecenáši / Telč and Jesuits, Order and its Patrons, Ministry of Culture, NAKI - Program to Support Applied Research in the Field of National and Cultural identity, ID number: DG16P02M043, beneficiary-coordinator: Institute of History of the CAS, beneficiary: National Heritage Institute, Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the CAS

2017–2019: Panovnický majestát mezi barokem a osvícenstvím. Habsburkové jako čeští králové v 17. a 18. století / The Royalty between the Baroque and the Enlightenment. The Habsburgs as Bohemian Kings in the 17th and 18th Century, Czech Science Foundation, Standard Projects, reg. n. 17-08169S, beneficiary: Institute of History of the CAS, team member

2025–2027: Řádová studia jako alternativa univerzitního vzdělávání. Příklad česko-moravské kapucínské provincie (1673–1783) / Religious Orders’ “Studia” as an Alternative to University Education. Case Study of the Bohemian-Moravian Capuchin Province, 1673–1783, Czech Science Foundation, Standard Projects, reg. n. 25-15886S, beneficiary: Institute of the History of Charles University and Archive of Charles University, cobeneficiary: Institute of History of the CAS, Coinvestigator

Membership of editorial boards

Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Folia Historica Bohemica

Membership in domestic and foreign professional societies and scientific councils

Member of the Union of Classical Philologists [Jednota klasických filologů] (since 1996)
Member of the International Association for Neo-Latin Studies (IANLS) (od 2013)

Significant awards

2021: The Award of the Rector of Charles University for the book Everyday Life of a Teacher and Pupil of a Jesuit Gymnasium