Annina Gagyiova, Ph.D.
Research Associate – Department of Modern Transnational and Intellectual History

Research areas
History of state socialism, modern Hungary, everyday life, consumption and technology, labor, gender, science and expertise (comparative and transnational perspectives)
Graduated programmes, schools and thesis topics, academic degrees
2000–2003: Bachelor in Philosophy and History at the University of Hagen (part-time)
2003–2007: Master in Philosophy – Contemporary History at Humboldt University, Berlin, thesis title: The National Question during the Hungarian Soviet Republic: Circulation of Ideas between Bolsheviki and Hungarian Prisoners of War (1914–1919)
2007–2010: Graduate school, collaborative project of the Centre for Contemporary History (ZZF), Potsdam, and the Institute for Contemporary History, CAS, Prague, research project: Socialist Dictatorship as Sinnwelt
2018: Ph.D., Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies, University of Regensburg, thesis title: From Goulash to Fridges. Individual Consumption between Eigensinn and Political Dominance in Socialist Hungary (1956–1989)
Foreign internships and scholarships
2007–2010: scholarship at graduate school, VW-foundation, project: Socialist Dictatorship as Sinnwelt
International grants and projects
2007–2010: Socialist Dictatorship as Sinnwelt, Centre for Contemporary History (ZZF), Potsdam, funded by VW-foundation, Germany, team member
2025–2027: Ženské expertky a feministická produkce znalostí v poválečné střední a východní Evropě v letech 1945–1989 [FemEx] / Women Experts and Feminist Knowledge Production in Post-War East Central Europe, 1945–1989 [FemEx], Czech Science Foundation, International Projects (Lead Agency Grant Projects), reg. n. 25-14627L, beneficiary: Institute of History of the CAS, cobeneficiary: Tadeusz Manteuffel Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Principal Investigator
Projects of Excellence in Basic Research
2021–2026: Expertíza v autoritářských společnostech. Vědy o člověku v socialistických zemích středovýchodní Evropy / Expertise in Authoritarian societies. Human Sciences in the Socialist Countries of East-Central Europe, Czech Science Foundation, EXPRO – Excellence in Research grant (2021–2026), team member
East and Central European Studies (ECES), Charles University (since 2016)
CET Academic Programs, Prague (since 2016)
Membership in domestic and foreign professional societies and scientific councils
Fellows network “Democracy is Central” at Hertie-Foundation, Berlin (since 2020)
Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES) (since 2008)
Hungarian Studies Association, USA/Canada (since 2023)