Mgr. Theo Finsterschott
Project Researcher – Department of Modern Transnational and Intellectual History

Research areas
history of non-normative sexuality
Graduated programmes, schools and thesis topics, academic degrees
2014–2018: Bachelor in History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, thesis title: Život a každodennost pražského měšťana Karla Kysweina (+1621) / Life and Everydayness of Prague Burgher Karel Kyswein (+1621)
2018–2022: Master in History – Economic and Social History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, thesis title: Sadismus a masochismus v medikalizaci a kultuře v poslední třetině dlouhého 19. století v českém a evropském kontextu / Sadism and Masochism in Medicalization and Culture During the Last Third of the Long 19th Century in the Czech and European Context
2022–: Ph.D. in Modern Economic and Social History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, thesis title: Perverze v medikalizaci a literatuře v poslední třetině dlouhého 19. století v českém a evropském kontextu / Perversion in Medicalization and Literature During the Last Third of the Long 19th Century in the Czech and European Context
Projects of Excellence in Basic Research
2023–2025: Expertíza v autoritářských společnostech. Vědy o člověku v socialistických zemích středovýchodní Evropy / Expertise in authoritarian societies. Human sciences in the socialist countries of East-Central Europe, Czech Science Foundation, EXPRO – Excellence in Research grant (2021-2026), team member
Domestic grants and major projects
2022–2023: Správa území v prostoru a čase / Land Administration in Time and Space, Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, Programme for Funding of Applied Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, Experimental Development, and Innovation ETA, data entry into the database of localities