Mgr. Jana Fantysová Matějková, Ph.D.

Research Associate – Department of Medieval History

+420 225 443 247

Research areas

the Luxembourg dynasty in the 14th century, political and cultural history of the Luxembourg period, relations between France and the Holy Roman Empire, narrative and literary sources, historiography 

Graduated programmes, schools and thesis topics, academic degrees

1995–2000: Master in History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, thesis title: Wenceslaus I of Luxembourg (1337–1383) / Václav I. Lucemburský (1337–1383)

2000–2001: Diplôme des Études Approfondies (D.E.A.), Études médiévales, Paris-Sorbonne University – Paris IV

2001–2007: Ph.D. under the joint supervision (cotutelle), Doctoral programme Mondes Anciens et Médiévaux, Paris-Sorbonne – Paris IV, and the Institute of Czech History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, thesis title: Wenceslas de Bohême, duc de Luxembourg et de Brabant, entre le Saint Empire romain et la France (1337–1383) / Wenceslas of Bohemia, Duke of Luxemburg and Brabant, between France and the Holy Roman Empire (1337–1383)  

Foreign internships and scholarships

2000–2001: French government scholarship for D.E.A. studies, Paris-Sorbonne University – Paris IV
2001, 2004, 2005: three semester of French government scholarship during doctoral studies, Paris-Sorbonne University – Paris IV

International grants and projects

2010–2013: Cuius regio. An Analysis of the Cohesive and Disruptive Forces Destining the Attachment of Groups of Persons to and the Cohesion within Regions as a Historical Phenomenon, Czech Science Foundation and European Science Foundation, ID number: COR/10/E008, beneficiary: Faculty of Arts (direction of the international project at the University of Groningen), Charles University, Investigator 

Domestic grants and major projects

2003–2006: Centra a komunikace. Sociální a kulturní vztahy v rámci České koruny a střední Evropy / Centres and Communication. Social and Cultural Relationships within the Lands of the Bohemian Crown and Central Europe, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, ID number: 404/03/H050, beneficiary: Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Collaborator

2005–2011: Jan Lucemburský a Bona Lucemburská / České země uprostřed Evropy v minulosti a dnes / Czech Lands in the Middle of Europe in the Past and Today, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, ID number: MSM 0021620827, beneficiary: Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Collaborator

2019–2022: John of Luxembourg and Bonne of Luxemburg as Patrons of Guillaume de Machaut. Intention and Reception of Machaut's Works in Historical Context, Czech Science Foundation, reg. n. 19-07473S, beneficiary: Masaryk Institute and Archives of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Principal Investigator 

2022–2023: Mecenášské aktivity žen ve středověké střední Evropě: královny, šlechtičny, měšťanky I a II / Patronage Activities of Women in Medieval Central Europe: Queens, Noblewomen, Burgher Women I and II, Strategy AV21, research programme Anatomy of European Society, beneficiary: Masaryk Institute and Archives of the Czech Academy of Sciences

Teaching activities

Faculty of Arts, Charles University (2007–2011)

Membership in domestic and foreign professional societies and scientific councils

Fellow of the Centre for Medieval Studies (since 2013)
Collaborator of the Research Centre on Courts and Residences [Výzkumné centrum Dvory a rezidence] (since 2021)