Mgr. Marie Buňatová, Dr. phil.

Research Associate – Department of Early Modern History

+420 225 443 244

Research areas

history of the Jews in the Bohemian Lands and Central Europe (economic, social and cultural history); coexistence of Jews and Christians; economic history; trade in the Bohemian Lands in the early modern period, especially foreign trade and finance prior to the Battle of White Mountain

Graduated programmes, schools and thesis topics, academic degrees

1989–1997: Master in History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, thesis title: Hospodářský vývoj na premonstrátském klášterním panství Želiv v 1. polovině 17. století / Economic Development of the Premonstratensian Monastery Estate Želiv in the First Half of the 17th Century

2003–2009: Dr. phil., Department of History, University of Vienna, thesis title: Die Prager Juden in der Zeit vor der Schlacht am Weiβen Berg. Handel und Wirtschaftsgebaren der Prager Juden im Spiegel des Liber albus Judeorum 1577–1601 / The Prague‘s Jews in the Period prior to the Battle of White Mountain. Trade and Economic Behaviour of Prague‘s Jews as Reflected in the Liber albus Judeorum 1577–1601

Foreign internships and scholarships

2003–2009: Department of History, University of Vienna (doctoral studies)

International grants and projects

1999–2003: Bohemia, Moravia et Silesia Judaica, Institute for Jewish History in Austria in St. Pölten, co-ordinator of the project and coinvestigator

2004–2005: Geschäftsleben und Frauenrechte. Die wirtschaftliche, rechtliche und sozio-religiöse Lage jüdischer und christlicher Frauen in Österreich, Kroatien und der Tschechischen Republik (13. bis 16. Jh.) / Business Life and Women's Rights. The Economic, Legal and Socio-religious Situation of Jewish and Christian Women in Austria, Croatia and the Czech Republic (13th to 16th century), Institute for Jewish History in Austria in St. Pölten, coinvestigator

Domestic grants and major projects

2010–2013: Přeshraniční obchodní kontakty a mobilita pražských křesťanských a židovských obchodníků v předbělohorském období (1575–1618) / Cross Border Contacts and Mobility of Prague´s Jewish and Christian Merchants in Pre-White Mountain Period (1575–1618), Czech Science Foundation, Standard Projects, reg. n. P405/10/2415, beneficiary: Marie Buňatová, Principal Investigator

2016–2018: Zahraniční obchod mezi Prahou a Itálií v předbělohorské době / Foreign Trade between Prague and Italy in the pre-White Mountain Period, Czech Science Foundation, Standard Projects, reg. n. 16-09489S, beneficiary: Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, University of Pardubice, Principal Investigator

2019–2024: Migrace a mobilita v pražské židovské obci na přechodu od středověku k ranému novověku / Migration and Mobility in Prague’s Jewish Community at the Transition of the Middle Ages to the Early Modern Period, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Lumina quaeruntur Fellowship, ID number: LQ300151901, beneficiary: Institute of History of the CAS, Principal Investigator

2025–2027: Praha jako jedno z center italské obchodní a finanční sítě (1611–1627) / Prague as one of the centres of the Italian trade and financial network (1611–1627), Czech Science Foundation, Standard Projects, reg. n. 25-15433S, beneficiary: Institute of History of the CAS, cobeneficiary: Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, University of Pardubice, Principal Investigator

Membership of editorial boards

Member of the Editorial board of the journal Czech Historical Review [Český časopis historický]

Membership in domestic and foreign professional societies and scientific councils

Member of the Association of Historians of the Czech Republic [Sdružení historiků ČR] (since 2014)

Significant awards

2019: The Lumina Quaeruntur fellowship awarded by the Czech Academy of Sciences