PhDr. Maroš Timko, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Researcher – Department of Modern Transnational and Intellectual History

Research areas
Spanish history in the 20th century, Latin American history during the Cold War, Czechoslovak foreign policy in the Third World, the Eastern Bloc and Latin America after World War II, (im)mobility and everyday resistance during the Cold War
Graduated programmes, schools and thesis topics, academic degrees
2011–2014: Bachelor in History – European Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, thesis title: Luis Buñuel a Španielsko v tridsiatych rokoch / Luis Buñuel and Spain in the 1930s
2014–2017: Master in Ibero-American Studies – History of Latin America, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, thesis title: Španielska občianska vojna a Slovensko (1936–1939) / The Spanish Civil War and Slovakia (1936–1939)
2017–2022: Ph.D. in Ibero-Americal Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, thesis title: Czechoslovak-Spanish relations (1918–1977)
2023: Rigorosum proceedings (PhDr.), Faculty of Arts, Charles University
Foreign internships and scholarships
1–6/2015: University of Santiago de Compostela (Erasmus)
9/2016–2/2017: University of Graz (Erasmus)
1–6/2019: Autonomous University of Madrid (Erasmus)
10/2020–2/2021: University of Hamburg, Německo (Hermann und Else Schnabel Stiftung)
3–6/2021: University of Innsbruck (Erasmus)
Domestic grants and major projects
2014: Kríza (E)straperlo ako začiatok konca Druhej španielskej republiky? / (E)straperlo crisis as the beginning of the end of the Second Spanish Republic?, Internal Grant of the Faculty of Arts, Charles University, n. 26910709, Principal Investigator
2019: Od Gottwalda k Francovi. Český a slovenský povojnový exil vo frankistickom Španielsku / From Gottwald to Franco. Czech and Slovak post-war exile in Francoist Spain, Charles University Grant Agency, n. 788119, Principal Investigator
Teaching activities
Faculty of Arts, Charles University (2021)
Membership in domestic and foreign professional societies and scientific councils
Member of the Cold War Research Group, Charles University [Skupina pro výzkum studené války] (since 2019)
Member of the Cold War Research Network (od 2022)
Significant awards
2017: Edvard Beneš Award for the best master thesis in the field of history (honourable mention)
2017: Ibero-American Award (honourable mention of the jury)