Mgr. David Trojan

PhD Student – Department of Medieval History

+420 225 443 246

Research areas

High Medieval Church history, Medieval Economical History, Settlement History, Bishopric of Prague

Graduated programmes, schools and thesis topics, academic degrees

2016–2019: Bachelor in History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, thesis title: Vývoj středověkého osídlení Českobrodska do roku 1437 / The Evolution of Medieval Settlements in the Region of Český Brod to the Year 1437

2019–2021: Master in Czech History in the European Context, Institute of Czech History, thesis title: Tobiáš z Benešova. Biskup – Hospodář – Politik / Tobias of Benešov. Bishop – Manciple – Politician 

2021–: PhD in Ecclesiastical and General History, Department of Ecclesiastical History and Literary History, Catholic Theological Faculty, Charles University, thesis title: Pražské biskupství v souřadnicích 13. století / The Bishopric of Prague in Coordinates of 13th Century

Foreign internships and scholarships

3–5/2023: Department of Medieval Studies, CEU Vienna
4/2024: Institute for Medieval Research, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna

Domestic grants and major projects

2023–2024: Reprezentace pražského biskupství ve středověké proměně / Representation of the Bishop and the Bishopric of Prague in the Medieval Transformation, Charles University Grant Agency, reg. n. 98123, Principal Investigator

Significant awards

2022: Academia Publisher Award – Master Thesis Competition 
2023/2024: Jan Hus Educational Foundation