prof. PhDr. Milan Hlavačka, CSc.
Head Research Associate – Department of Modern Cultural and Social History

Research areas
political, social and economic history of the Czech Lands in the 18th and 19th centuries with emphasis on the history of transport and communications and family business history, the emergence of civil society in the Czech lands in the 19th century and the role of local government, creation of new textbooks for history for primary schools, grammar schools and vocational schools
Graduated programmes, schools and thesis topics, academic degrees
1974–1979: Master in History – German Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, thesis title: Bagdádská dráha a německé pronikání do Turecka / The Baghdad Railway and German Penetration into Turkey
1980–1985: Ph.D. (CSc.) in the Czechoslovak History, Institute of Czechoslovak and World History of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, thesis title: Dějiny dopravy v českých zemích v období průmyslové revoluce / History of Transport in the Czech Lands during the Industrial Revolution
1982: Rigorosum proceedings (PhDr.), Faculty of Arts, Charles University
1994–1995: Habilitation Procedure (doc.), Faculty of Arts, Charles University, thesis title: Politický a sociální vývoj české společnosti v 19. Století / Political and Social Development of Czech Society in the 19th Century
2005–2006: Professor Appointment Procedure (prof.) in Czech History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University
Foreign internships and scholarships
1990: Institute for Business History, Berlin, three months
1992, 1993: Leibniz Institute of European History, Mainz, Thyssen-Stiftung Scholarship, six months
1995, 1997: Free University of Berlin, one month
1994, 1995: University of Vienna, Department of Economic and Social History, one month
1992: South and Southeast Europe Institute Vienna, Anton Gindely Research Scholarschip, one month
1996: Ludwig Maxmilian University of Munich, one month
1994, 1995, 1997, 2003: Saarland University, Department of History, four months
2003: University of Koblenz and Landau, Department of Government, one month
International grants and projects
2000–2005: Programme Sokrates – Erasmus between the University of Koblenz and Landau – Koblenz and the Faculty of Arts, Charles University, coordinator for programmes History and Political Sciences
1995–2005: Programme European Graduate School for Economic and Social Historical Training – ESTER, coordinator for the Faculty of Arts, Charles University
1997–2002: Grenzen und Staat. Passwesen, Staatsbürgerschaft, Heimatrecht und Fremdengesetzgebung in der österreichischen Monarchie 1750–1867 / Borders and State. Passport System, Citizenship, Homeland Law and Alien Legislation in the Austrian Monarchy 1750–1867, project leader: Edith Sauer and Waltraud Heindl, University of Vienna
2004–2010: International Comission fort he History of Representative and Parliamentary Institutions (ICHRPI), coordinator for the Czech Republic
2005–2008: ESF program Representatives of Past: National Histories in Europe, investigator: Stefan Berger, University of Manchester, coordinator for the Czech Republic
2005–2008: The Rise of Parlamentarism, Constitutional Projects until 1850 in the Czech Lands, investigator: Horst Dippel, University of Kassel, team member
2004–2005: Autonomy in Historical Perspective, project leader: Robert Schweitzer, University of Lübeck
2008–2011: Identities at the Border, Czech-Austrian EU Inter-reg project, investigator: Philipp Lessiak, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Research on the Consequences of War, Graz
Domestic grants and major projects
1999–2004: Vývoj společnosti českých zemí v kontextu evropských a světových dějin / The Development of Czech Society in the Context of European and World History, History of Czech Society in the 19th Century, Research Plan of the Faculty of Arts, Charles University, n. J13/98:112100004, beneficiary: Faculty of Arts, Charles University
2002–2004: Samospráva a její vliv na sociální, hospodářský a intelektuální rozvoj Čech v letech 1862–1913 / Self-Rule and Its Influence on Social, Economic and Intellectual Development in Bohemia in 1862–1913, Czech Science Foundation, Standard Projects, reg. n. 409/02/0392, beneficiary: Institute of History of the CAS, Principal Investigator
2003–2005: Vývoj české ústavnosti v letech 1627–1918 / The Development of Czech Constitutionalism in the Years 1627–1918, Czech Science Foundation, Standard Projects, reg. n. 407/03/0527, beneficiary: Faculty of Law, Charles University, team member
2004–2006: Transformace společenských elit v procesu modernizace. Šlechta českých zemí 1749–1948 / Transformation of Social Elites in the Process of Modernization. The Nobility of Czech Lands, 1749–1948, Czech Science Foundation, Standard Projects, reg. n. 404/04/0233, beneficiary: Faculty of Arts, Charles University, team member
2005–2009: České země uprostřed Evropy v minulosti a dnes, projekt Formování české společnosti v 19. století: úspěšná cesta k občanství a k moderní politické kultuře / Czech Lands in the Midst of Europe in the Past and Today, The Formation of Czech Society in the 19th Century: a Successful Path to Citizenship and Modern Political Culture, Research Plan of the Ministry of Education and Science, n. MSM0021620827, beneficiary: Faculty of Arts, Charles University, cobeneficiary: Catholic Theological Faculty, Charles University, Institute of the History and Archive of Charles University, Charles University
2008–2010: Kolektivní a individuální mecenášství a kultura veřejného daru v občanské společnosti / Collective an Individual Mécénat and the Culture of Public Donations in a Civil Society, Grant Agency of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Grants of Distinctly Investigative Character Focused on the Sphere of Research Pursued at Present, Particularly in the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, reg. n. A800150802, beneficiary: Institute of History of the CAS, Principal Investigator
2011–2013: Ideje – Legislativa – Instituce: sociální myšlení a sociální praxe v českých zemích 1781–1939 / Ideas – Legislation – Institutions: Social Thoughts and Social Practise in the Czech Lands 1781–1939, Czech Science Foundation, Standard Projects, reg. n. P410/11/2324, beneficiary: Institute of History of the CAS, Principal Investigator
2014–2016: Historie firmy Ringhoffer 1848–1945 (Rodina a podnikání) / The History of the Ringhoffer Company 1848–1945 (The Family and the business), Czech Science Foundation, Standard Projects, reg. n. 14-19640S, beneficiary: Institute of History of the CAS, Principal Investigator
2013–2017: P12 – Historie v interdisciplinární perspektivě / P12 - History in an Interdisciplinary Perspective, PRVOUK - Programmes for the Development of Scientific Areas at Charles University, Charles University Faculty of Arts, module: the Czech Lands as an Open Space of Unique Historical Experience in Europe. From the beginning of the 18th to the 21st century
2017: Program PROGRES Q09: Historie – Klíč k pochopení globalizovaného světa / Programme PROGRES Q09: History - The Key to Understanding the Globalised World, Charles University in Prague, coinvestigator
2017–2019: Místa paměti v procesu formování české společnosti v 19. a na počátku 20. století / The Realms of Memory in the Shaping of Modern Czech Society in the 19th and in the Early 20th Century, Czech Science Foundation, Standard Projects, reg. n. 17-11309S, beneficiary: Institute of History of the CAS, team member
Teaching activities
Institute of Czech History, Faculty of Arts, Charles Univerzity (since 1991)
Membership of editorial boards
Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Czech Historical Review [Český časopis historický]
Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Modern History [Moderní dějiny]
Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Economic History [Hospodářské dějiny]
Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Central Bohemia Historical Proceedings [Středočeský sborník historický]
Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal for Modern Legal History [Zeitschrift für neuere Rechtsgeschichte]
Membership in domestic and foreign professional societies and scientific councils
Member of the Association of Historians of the Czech Republic [Sdružení historiků ČR] (since 1999)
Member of the Scientific Board of the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University (since 2013)
Member of the Subject-Area Board of the Doctoral Programme History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University (since 2005)
Member of the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, University of Pardubice (since 2005)
Member of the Doctoral Board of the Doctoral Programme Historical Sciences of the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, University of Pardubice (2010–2018)
Member of the Doctoral Board of the Doctoral Programme History of Science and Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague (since 2017)
Corresponding Member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (since 2010)
Significant awards
2009: Josef Hlávka Medal
2019: Miroslav Ivanov (Category II. Non-Fiction Works) for the book With God for the Emperor and the Fatherland! Czech Officers in the Wars of 1848–1849 [S Bohem za císaře a vlasť! Čeští důstojníci ve válkách let 1848–1849]
2020: Silver Medal of Charles University