PhDr. Jan Zelenka, Ph.D.

Deputy Director for Science
Research Associate – Department of Medieval History


Research areas

history of the Early Middle Ages with emphasis on the Central European area, feudal relations, social, cultural and economic history

Graduated programmes, schools and thesis topics, academic degrees

2000–2006: Master in Historical Sciences – Specialisation in Older Czech History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, thesis title: The Prince of Bohemia and the Duke of Saxony in the 12th Century: Český kníže a saský vévoda ve 12. století. Srovnání knížectví „Čechů“ se saským vévodstvím Jindřicha Lva / The Comparison of the Bohemian Principality with Saxony in the Period of Henry the Lion – also recognised as a Rigorosum thesis (PhDr.)

2006–2013: Ph.D. in Historical Sciences – Specialisation in Older Czech History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, thesis title: České země v politické skladbě střední Evropy 10.–13. století: Podoba a význam lenního institutu v socioekonomické struktuře Saska a Čech / The Czech Lands in the Political Composition of Central Europe in the 10th–13th Centuries: The Form and Significance of the Feudal System in the Socio-economic Structure of Saxony and Bohemia

Foreign internships and scholarships

2004–2005: Friedrich Aleander University of Erlangen–Nuremberg, semester study stay
2006: Otto Friedrich University of Bamberg, scholarship stay

International grants and projects

2010–2015: participation in the European Science Foundation (ESF) PALATIUM – Court Residences as Places of Excahnge in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe (1400–1700), team member  

Domestic grants and major projects

2008–2010: Recepce dvorské kultury v českých zemích raného a vrcholného středověku / Reception of Court Culture in Bohemian Lands in Early and High Middle Ages, Czech Science Foundation, Junior Research Grant Projects, reg. n. B800150802, beneficiary: Institute of History of the CAS, team member

2011–2012: Havelské město ve středověku / Gallus Town of Prague in the Middle Ages, Charles University Grant Agency, team member

2015–2017: Dítě ve středověku a raném novověku v českých zemích / Child in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age in the Czech Lands, Czech Science Foundation, Standard Projects, reg. n. 15-02196S, beneficiary: Institute of History of the CAS, team member

Teaching activities

Faculty of Arts, Charles University (since 2020)

Membership of editorial boards

Editor-in-chief of the journal Mediaevalia Historica Bohemica
Member of the Editorial board of the Central Bohemia Historical Proceedings [Středočeský sborník historický]