PhDr. Jindřich Dejmek, DSc.

Head Research Associate – Department of Modern Transnational and Intellectual History

+420 225 443 286

Research areas

history of international relations in the 20th century, history of diplomacy, history of the Cold War, history of Czechoslovak foreign policy, modern history of Europe and Africa, European colonialism and decolonization

Graduated programmes, schools and thesis topics, academic degrees

1984–1988: Master in History – Archival Science, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, thesis title: Vývoj politické a správní struktury přemyslovského státu od poloviny XII. do pol. XII. století / The Development of the Political and Administrative Structure of the Přemyslid State from the Middle of the 12th Century to the Middle of the 13th Century

1989: Rigorosum proceedings (PhDr.), Faculty of Arts, Charles University

1991–1997: Ph.D. (CSc.), Department of Czech History (today Institute of Czech History), Faculty of Arts, Charles University, thesis title: Diplomat a ministr zahraničních věcí Kamil Krofta. Studie z dějin československé diplomacie 1920–1938 / Diplomat and Minister of foreign Affairs Kamil Krofta. Study of Czechoslovak diplomacy 1920 – 1938

2004: Res. Prof. (DSc.), Czech Academy of Sciences, thesis title: Nenaplněné naděje: Politické a diplomatické vztahy Československa a Velké Británie (1918–1938) / Dissapointed Hopes: Diplomatic and political Relations between Czechoslovakia and Great Britain (1918–1938)

Foreign internships and scholarships

9–11/1993: Military Historical Institute, Warsaw, Poland
9–10/1997: Institute of History, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
5–6/1999: British Academy of Science, London, the United Kingdom

Domestic grants and major projects

1997–1999: Československo na pařížské mírové konferenci 1918–1920. Dokumenty československé zahraniční politiky / Czechoslovakia at the Paris Peace Conference 1918-1920. Czechoslovak Foreign Policy Documents, Czech Science Foundation, Standard Projects, reg. n. 409/97/0261, beneficiary: Institute of History of the CAS, team member   

1997–2002: Dokumenty československé zahraniční politiky / Czechoslovak Foreign Policy Documents, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, RB, reg. n. RB4/21/97, beneficiary: The Institute of International Relations Prague, team member   

1997–2000: Zahraniční politika meziválečného Československa / Foreign Policy of Interwar Czechoslovakia, Grant Agency of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Grants of Distinctly Investigative Character Focused on the Sphere of Research Pursued at Present, Particularly in the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, reg. n. A9015704, beneficiary: Institute of History of the CAS, team member   

2000–2002: Československo při vzniku Malé dohody 1920–1921. Dokumenty československé zahraniční politiky / Czechoslovakia at the Formation of the Little Entrete 1920-1921 Czechoslovak Foreign Policy Documents, Czech Science Foundation, Standard Projects, reg. n.  409/00/1589, beneficiary: Institute of History of the CAS, cobeneficiary: The Institute of International Relations Prague, team member   

2002–2004: Dokumenty československé zahraniční politiky / Czechoslovak Foreign Policy Documents, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, RB, reg. n. RB4/21/02, beneficiary: The Institute of International Relations Prague, team member   

2005–2007: Dokumenty československé zahraniční politiky – III / Czechoslovak Foreign Policy Documents – III, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, Modern Society - International Relations Research Projects, reg. n. RM01/16/05, beneficiary: The Institute of International Relations Prague, team member   

2011–2012: Biografický slovník československých diplomatů 1918–1992, vývoj organizační struktury MZV Československa a čs. diplomacie v letech 1919–1992 / Biographical Dictionary of Czechoslovak Diplomats 1918–1992, Development of the Organizational Structure of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Czechoslovakia and Czechoslovak Diplomacy in 1919–1992, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, reg. n. RM 07/01/11, beneficiary: Institute of History of the CAS, team member

Teaching activities

Diplomatic Academy at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (since 2014)
Diplomatic Academy (since 2015)

Significant awards

1999: Junior Scientist Award of the Learned Society of the Czech Republic for the book Historian at the Head of Diplomacy: Kamil Krofta [Historik v čele diplomacie: Kamil Krofta]
2003: The Otto Wichterle Award to promising young scientists of the Czech Academy of Sciences
2003: Award of the Czech Academy of Sciences for the grant project Czechoslovakia, Its Neighbours and Great Powers in the 20th Century [Československo, jeho sousedé a velmoci ve XX. století] (1918 to 1992)
2019: Award of the Czech Academy of Sciences for outstanding results of great scientific significance for the scientific outcome Czechoslovakia. History of the State [Československo. Dějiny státu]