PhDr. Zdeněk Doskočil, Ph.D.

Head – Biographical Dictionary of the Czech Lands
Research Associate – Department of Biobibliographical Studies and Library

+420 225 443 234

Research areas

Czech and Slovak history after 1945, focusing on the period of liberalization of the communist regime in the 1960s and the emerging normalisation, biographical research with emphasis on the political and intellectual elites of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, Czech-Slovak relations, relations between politics and culture

Graduated programmes, schools and thesis topics, academic degrees

1997–2004: Master in History – Teaching for Secondary Schools, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, thesis title: Mocenský zvrat v Československu v dubnu 1969 – příčiny, průběh, domácí a zahraniční ohlasy / The Power Reverse in Czechoslovakia in April 1969 – Causes, Course, Domestic and Foreign Responses

2005: Rigorosum proceedings (PhDr.), Faculty of Arts, Charles University

2004–2008: Ph.D. in Czech History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, thesis title: Anatomie jednoho mocenského zvratu / April 1969. An Anatomy of a Power Reverse

Foreign internships and scholarships

2002–2003: University of Leipzig 
2009–2010: The Institute of Political Science of the Slovak Academy of Sciences

Domestic grants and major projects

2009–2011: Politické a veřejné působení Gustáva Husáka v letech 1963–1970. Od rehabilitace k přijetí poučení z krizového vývoje / Political and Public Activities of Gustáv Husák between 1963–1970. From Rehabilition to the Adoption of the Lessons from the Crisic Development, Czech Science Foundation, Postdoctoral Projects, reg. n. 409/09/P606, beneficiary: Institute of Contemporary History of the CAS, Principal Investigator 

2016–2018: Ladislav Novomeský mezi stalinismem a reformním komunismem. Básník v politice a veřejném životě (1945–1970) / Ladislav Novomeský between Stalinism and Reform Communism. A Poet in Politics and in the Public Life (1945–1970), Czech Science Foundation, Standart Projects, reg. n. 16-02046S, beneficiary: Institute of History of the CAS, Principal Investigator

Teaching activities

Oral History – Contemporary History, Faculty of Humanities, Charles University (since 2009)

Membership in domestic and foreign professional societies and scientific councils

Member of the Society for Queer Memory [Společnost pro queer paměť] (since 2014)

Significant awards

2004: Edvard Beneš Award for the best master thesis