doc. PhDr. Dana Dvořáčková-Malá, Ph.D.

Head Research Associate – Department of Medieval History
Director – Centre for Research on Courts and Residences  

+420 225 443 245

Research areas

history of the High Middle Ages, history of everyday life and history of mentalities; research on court and court culture in the Middle Ages; translation of court literature and historiography, research on court literature

Graduated programmes, schools and thesis topics, academic degrees

1997–2002: Master in Older Czech History, Institute of Czech History, Faculty of Arts, Charles Univerzity, thesis title: Dvůr českého a polského krále Václava II. 1283–1305 / The Court of the Bohemian and Polish King Wenceslaus II 1283–1305 

2003: Rigorosum proceedings (PhDr.), Ústav českých dějin, Institute of Czech History, Faculty of Arts, Charles Univerzity

2004–2010: Ph.D. at the Institute of Czech History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, thesis title: Splendor curiae regis. Život a kultura na dvoře posledních Přemyslovců / Splendor curiae regis. Life and Culture on the Court of the last Przemyslid

2020–2021: Habilitation Procedure (doc.) in Czech History, Faculty of Arts, J. E. Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem, thesis title: Dvůr jako téma. Výzkum panovnické společnosti v českém středověku. Historiografie, koncepty, úvahy / The Court as a Theme. Research of Royal Society in the Czech Middle Ages – Historiography, Concepts, Considerations

International grants and projects

2010–2015: participation in the European Science Foundation (ESF) PALATIUM – Court Residences as Places of Excahnge in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe (1400–1700), team member  

Domestic grants and major projects

2008–2010: Recepce dvorské kultury v českých zemích raného a vrcholného středověku / Reception of Court Culture in Bohemian Lands in Early and High Middle Ages, Czech Science Foundation, Junior Research Grant Projects, reg. n. B800150802, beneficiary: Institute of History of the CAS, Principal Investigator

2015–2017: Dítě ve středověku a raném novověku v českých zemích / Child in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age in the Czech Lands, Czech Science Foundation, Standard Projects, reg. n. 15-02196S, beneficiary: Institute of History of the CAS, Principal Investigator

2022: Udržitelná společnost na cestě k pokroku / Sustainable Society on the Road to Progress, Strategy AV21, research programme Anatomy of European Society, research theme Historical Memory, researcher

2023: Udržitelná společnost v historickém výzkumu / Sustainable Society in Historical Research, Strategy AV21, research programme Anatomy of European Society, research topic Historical Memory, researcher

2023–2027: Mapa českých hradů. Hrady jako kulturní fenomén / Map of Czech Castles. Castles as Cultural Phenomenon, Subject of Research and Remains of the Past, Ministry of Culture, ID number: DH23P03OVV040, beneficiary: University of West Bohemia, team member

2024: Land use a udržitelná domácnost v době předmoderní / Land Use and Sustainable Households in the Pre-Modern Era, Strategy AV21, research programme Anatomy of European Society, research topic Historical Memory, researcher

2025: Zdroje obživy a jejich udržitelnost v předindustriální krajině / Sources of Livelihood and Their Sustainability in pre-Industrial Landscapes, Strategy AV21, research programme Anatomy of European Society, research theme Historical Memory, researcher

2025–2029: Epicentra civilizace – inteligentní domácnosti, technologie, společnost / Epicentres of Civilisation – Intelligent Households, Technology and Society, Strategy AV21 Programme, Principal Programme Coordinator

Teaching activities

Institute of Czech History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University (since 2010)
Faculty of Education, Charles University (2008–2009), consultant (since 2013)
Institute of Global History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University (since 2019/2020)
Philosophical Faculty, University of Hradec Králové (since 2018)

Membership of editorial boards

Managing Editor of Mediaevalia Historica Bohemica
Member of the Editorial Board of the Publishing House Casablanca 
Editor and Managing Editor of publication of the Research Centre on Courts and Residences [Výzkumné centrum Dvory a residence]

Membership in domestic and foreign professional societies and scientific councils

Fellow of the Centre for Medieval Studies (since 2011)
Member of the Research Centre Research Team on Courts and Power Elites [Zespół do badań nad dworami i elitami władzy] IH in Warsaw (since 2016)
Member of Royal-Studies-Network / RSN (since 2023)