PhDr. Vojtěch Kyncl, Ph.D.
Research Associate – Department of Modern Transnational and Intellectual History

Research areas
social history of the National Socialist regime, World War II, post-war history of Central Europe with regard to the effects of Nazi persecution, social history of victims of Nazi repression, criminal-legal settlement with Nazism during the Cold War to the present
Graduated programmes, schools and thesis topics, academic degrees
2002–2007: Master in History – German Studies for Secondary Schools, Faculty of Education, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, thesis title: Akce Ležáky. Obyčejná vesnice / Action Ležáky. Ordinary village
2008: Rigorosum proceedings (PhDr.) in Czech History, Faculty of Education, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, thesis title: Obyčejná vesnice, Silver A a pardubické gestapo v zrcadle heydrichiády / Ležáky. An ordinary village, Silver A and the Pardubice Gestapo in the Mirror of the Heydrichiad
2007–2010: Ph.D. in Czech History, Faculty of Arts, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice
2010–2011: Ph.D. in Czech History, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, University of Pardubice, thesis title: Nacistický teror druhého stanného práva v pramenech poválečné justice. Zločiny 20. pluku pořádkové policie Böhmen po atentátu na Reinharda Heydricha / Nazi terror of second martial law in the sources of post-war justice. Crimes of the 20th Regiment of the Ordinary Police Böhmen after the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich
Foreign internships and scholarships
6–8/2003: Trinity College Dublin – Republic of Ireland
2004–2006/4 semesters: Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Friedrich Schiller University Jena (Erasmus)
2006–2007/2 semesters: Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Humboldt University of Berlin (scholarship Erinnerung, Verantwortung, Zukunft)
10–11/2007: Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Passau
2008–2011: Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Friedrich Schiller University Jena (Ph.D. study stay)
6–12/2009: Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, German-Canadian Institute, York University Toronto
2008–2011: Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Friedrich Schiller University Jena – Jena Center of the 20th Century History (Ph.D. study stay)
2008–2012: historian of Lidice Memorial
Domestic grants and major projects
2015–2017: Transnacionální politika a ČSSR na poli stíhání nacistických válečných zločinů ve střední Evropě v letech 1960 až 1990 / Transnational policy and the ČSSR on the field of the prosecution of Nazi war crimes in Central Europe between 1960 and 1990, Czech Science Foundation, Standard Projects, reg. n. 15-24851S, beneficiary: Institute of History of the CAS, Principal Investigator
Teaching activities
Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University (since 2013)
Faculty of Humanities, Charles University (since 2013)
Faculty of Arts, Charles University (since 2018)
Significant awards
2007: Edvard Beneš Award for the best master thesis
2007: Award of the Dean of the Faculty of Arts, University of South Bohemia, for the best master thesis
2010: Gloria Musaealis National Museum Competition, Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, Achievement of the Year 2010 for the Expostion NKP Ležáky, co-author
2012: Musaionfilm, J. A. Comenius Museum, Uherský Brod, Jury Award for the film "Unworthy of Life" [Nehodni žití] – part of the Lety Memorial, co-author
2013: The Otto Wichterle Award to promising young scientists of the Czech Academy of Sciences
2013: Awards of the CAS for young scientists for outstanding scientific achievements for the book Without remorses. Genocide of the Czechs after the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich [Bez výčitek...Genocida Čechů po atentátu na Reiharda Heydricha]
2013: Josef Pekař Award (Association of Historians of the Czech Republic and Pekař’s Society of Bohemian Paradise) for the book Without remorses. Genocide of the Czechs after the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich [Bez výčitek...Genocida Čechů po atentátu na Reiharda Heydricha]