RNDr. Jiří Martínek, Ph.D.
Research Associate – Department of Biobibliographical Studies and Library
Research areas
biographical and lexical research, history of Czech science, especially geography, study of the life and work of Czech travellers, historical geography
Graduated programmes, schools and thesis topics, academic degrees
1994–1999: Master in Teaching General Education Subjects for Secondary Schools Geography – History, Faculty of Sciece, Charles University, thesis title: Historická geografie raně středověkých Čech / Historical Geography of Early Medieval Bohemia
2010: Rigorosum proceedings (RNDr.), Regional and Political Geography, Faculty of Science, Charles University, thesis title: Geografové v českých zemích 1800–1945 (biografický slovník) / Geographers in the Czech lands 1800–1945 (Biographic Dictionary)
2008–2014: Ph.D. in Czech and Czechoslovak History, Philosophical Faculty, University of Hradec Králové, thesis title: Jiří Viktor Daneš – vědec a diplomat / Jiří Viktor Daneš – Scientist and Diplomat
Foreign internships and scholarships
2000: Centre for Comparative History of Europe, Humboldt-University Berlin, summer school
Domestic grants and major projects
2016–2018: Přírodovědecká fakulta Německé univerzity v Praze, 1920–1939 / Faculty of Science, German University in Prague, 1920–1939, Czech Science Foundation, Standard Projects, reg. n. 16-03442S, beneficiary: Faculty of Science, Charles University, team member
Teaching activities
Faculty of Science, J. E. Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem (since 2004)
Faculty of Science, Charles University (since 2003)
Membership of editorial boards
Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Geographical Surveys [Geografické rozhledy]
Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Acta onomastica
Membership in domestic and foreign professional societies and scientific councils
Member of the Onomastic Commission of the Institute of Czech Language of the Czech Academy of Sciences [Onomastické komise při Ústavu pro jazyk český Akademie věd České republiky] (since 2005)
Member of the Commission on Geographical Names of the Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre [Názvoslovná komise při Českém úřadě zeměměřickém a katastrálním] (since 2019)
Significant awards
2019: Chlumec Jaroslav Goll Literary Award