Mgr. Jakub Raška, Ph.D.
Deputy Head – Department of Modern Cultural and Social History
Postdoctoral Researcher – Department of Modern Cultural and Social History

Research areas
social history of the 19th century, history of social movements and history of trade unions in the European context, labour history, history didactics
Graduated programmes, schools and thesis topics, academic degrees
2010–2013: Bachelor in History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, thesis title: Hodnotový systém ve výuce Normální školy v Praze na přelomu 18. a 19. století. Příspěvek k dějinám státu / Value System at Teaching of the Normal school in Prague at the Turn of 18th and 19th Century
2013–2016: Master in Social History, Institute of Economic and Social History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, thesis title: Chudoba, pauperismus a sociální otázka jako veřejné diskurzy v habsburské monarchii doby předbřeznové a revoluce 1848/1849 / Poverty, Pauperism and Social Question as Public Discourses in the Habsburg Monarchy in the Era "Vormärz" and Revolution of 1848/1849
2016–2023: Ph.D. in Modern Economic and Social History, Institute of Economic and Social History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, thesis title: Mezi vysokou kulturou a dělnickou třídou: typografické komunity v Lipsku, Vídni a Praze v letech 1840–1914 / Between High Culture and the Working Class: Typographical Communities in Leipzig, Vienna and Prague (1840–1914)
Foreign internships and scholarships
9/2014: study stay in the Archives in Innsbruck and Bolzano within the project Correspondence of Karel Havlíček (Czech Science Foundation)
5–6/2015: study stay in British Library, supported by the Internal Grant of the Faculty of Arts, Charles University
11/2015: study stay at the Austrian National Library within the project Correspondence of Karel Havlíček (Czech Science Foundation)
3–5/2017: study stay in Vienna, Aktion Czechia – Austria
1–5/2018: study stay in Leipzig, DAAD
11/2019: study stay in Düsseldorfu, DAAD
11/2021: study stay in Augsburg, Bayhost
Domestic grants and major projects
2012–2016: Korespondence Karla Havlíčka / Correspondence of Karel Havlíček, Czech Science Foundation, Standard Projects, reg. n. P406/12/0691, beneficiary: Faculty of Arts, Charles University, team member
2015: Narativní složka historiografického díla: proměny příběhu průmyslové revoluce v anglosaské historiografii 1880–2000 / Narrative Component of a Historiographic Work: The Transformation of the Story of the Industrial Revolution in Anglo-Saxon Historiography 1880–2000, Internal Grant of the Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Principal Investigator
2015–2017: Budování národa čtenářů. Sítě, podniky a protagonisté knižního trhu v Čechách 1749–1848 / The Making of a Nation of Readers. Networks, Firms and Protagonists in the Bohemian Book Market (1749–1848), Czech Science Foundation, Standard Projects, reg. n. 15-22253S, beneficiary: Institute of Czech Literature of the CAS, team member