PhDr. Kristina Rexová
Research Associate – Department of Biobibliographical Studies and Library

Research areas
issues of current and retrospective historical bibliography
Graduated programmes, schools and thesis topics, academic degrees
1979–1983: Master in Auxiliary Sciences of History and Archival Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, thesis title: Správní aspekty odsunu Němců a zemědělského osídlování pohraničí českých zemí po druhé světové válce. Analýza odsunu Němců a zemědělského osídlování na okrese Litoměřice / Administrative Aspects of the Removal of Germans and Agricultural Settlement of the Czech Borderlands after the Second World War. An Analysis of the Removal of Germans and Agricultural Settlement in the Litoměřice District
1987: Rigorosum proceedings (PhDr.) in Auxiliary Sciences of History and Archival Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University
Domestic grants and major projects
1997–1999: Kompletní bibliografie sta ročníků Českého časopisu historického / Complete Bibliography of One Hundred Years of the Czech Historical Review, Czech Science Foundation, Standard Projects, reg. n. 409/97/0683, beneficiary: Institute of History of the CAS, team member
2000–2002: Kompletní bibliografie sta ročníků Českého časopisu historického / Complete Bibliography of One Hundred Years of the Czech Historical Review, Czech Science Foundation, Standard Projects, reg. n. 409/00/1723, beneficiary: Institute of History of the CAS, team member
2012–2016: Bibliografie dějin Českých zemí / Bibliography of the History of the Czech Lands, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic, Large Infrastructure Projects for R&D, ID number: LM2011018, beneficiary: Institute of History of the CAS, team member
2019–2022: Digitální výzkumná infrastruktura pro jazykové technologie, umění a humanitní vědy / Digital Research Infrastructure for Language Technologies, Arts and Humanities, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic, Large Infrastructure Projects for R&D, ID number: LM2018101, beneficiary: Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, partner instutitions: Institute of History of the CAS, Institute of Philosophy of the CAS, Library of the CAS, Moravian Library in Brno, National Film Archive, National Gallery in Prague, National Library of the Czech Republic, Institute of the Czech Language of the CAS, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, team member
Membership of editorial boards
Editor of the Bibliography of the History of the Czech Lands [Bibliografie dějin českých zemí]