Mgr. Vojtěch Szajkó, Ph.D.

Research Associate – Department of Modern Cultural and Social History
Managing Editor – Český časopis historický (Czech Historical Review)

+420 225 443 235; +420 737 906 069

Research areas

Czech and world modern history (1789-1939), military history, history of science and technology, Habsburg monarchy, historiography, biographical-lexical research

Graduated programmes, schools and thesis topics, academic degrees

2006–2009: Bachelor in History, Faculty of Philosophy and Science, Silesian University, thesis title: Opavsko a prusko-rakouská válka 1866 / Opava Region and the Austro-Prussian War of 1866

2009–2011: Master in History, Faculty of Philosophy and Science, Silesian University, thesis title: Prusko-rakouská válka 1866 a rakouské Slezsko / The Austro-Prussian War of 1866 and Austrian Silesia

2011–2015: Ph.D. in History with Focus on Czech and Czechoslovak History, Faculty of Philosophy and Science, Silesian University, thesis title: Využití železnic, pošt a telegrafu rakouskou armádou v letech 1848–1914 / The Use of Railways, Post and Telegraph by the Austrian Army in 1848–1914

Foreign internships and scholarships

2012: National Archives of Austria, Museum of Fine Arts, Vienna, Education for Competitiveness, study stay
2013: Dresden University of Technology, Dresden, Education for Competitiveness, study stay
2014: National Archives of Austria, Vienna, Education for Competitiveness, research stay
2019: Institute of Modern and Contemporary History, Austrian Academy of Sciences, International Cooperation of Young Research, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, work and study stay
2024: University of Graz, Field of Excellence „Dimensions of Europe“ – Junior Visiting Fellowship, Summer Semester 2024

Domestic grants and major projects

2014: Rakouská armáda a telegrafie v letech 1848–1914 / The Austrian Army and Telegraphy in 1848–1914, Faculty of Philosophy and Science, Silesian University, Student Grant Competition, ID number: SGS/7/2014, Principal Investigator

2019–2020: Vojenské zdravotnictví v habsburské monarchii v letech 1848–1914 / Military Healthcare in the Habsburg Monarchy in 1848–1914, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, International Cooperation of Young Research

Significant awards

2018: The Award of the CAS for young scientific employees for outstanding results of scientific work for the book Railways, Post and Telegraph of the Austrian Army in 1848–1914 [Železnice, pošta a telegraf rakouské armády v letech 1848–1914]
2018: Award of Miroslav Ivanov in the category III – for works of non-fiction authors up to 39 years of age for the book Railways, Post and Telegraph of the Austrian Army in 1848–1914 [Železnice, pošta a telegraf rakouské armády v letech 1848–1914]