Mgr. František Záruba, Ph.D.

Research Associate – Department of Medieval History

+420 225 443 245

Research areas

castellology, medieval art and architecture, cultural history

Graduated programmes, schools and thesis topics, academic degrees

2001–2008: Master in Art History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, thesis title: Hrady Václava IV. / Castles of Wenceslaus IV

2008–2013: Ph.D. in Art History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, thesis title: Hradní kaple v Čechách / Medieval Castle Chapels in Bohemia

Foreign internships and scholarships

2004–2005: Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Leonhard Moll-Stiftung, international internship 

Domestic grants and major projects

2012–2018: Kulturní kódy a jejich proměny v husitském období / Cultural Codes and Their Transformations in the Hussite Period, Czech Science Foundation, Projects to Support Excellence in Basic Research, reg. n. P405/12/G148, beneficiary: Institute of Philosophy of the CAS, cobeneficiary: Institute of the Czech Language of the CAS, Catholic Theological Faculty, team member

2013–2017: Lesk a sláva českého království. Kořeny české státní a národní identity / Splendor and Glory of Kingdom of Bohemia. Roots of the Czech State and National Identity, Ministry of Culture, NAKI - Program to Support Applied Research in the Field of National and Cultural identity, ID number: DF13P01OVV017, beneficiary: Catholic Theological Faculty, team member

Teaching activity

Institute of Christian Art History, Catholic Theological Faculty (2010–2015) 

Membership in domestic and foreign professional societies and scientific councils

Secretary of the Centre for Research on Courts and Residences [Výzkumné centrum Dvory a rezidence] (2018–2023)