PhDr. Michaela Žáková, Ph.D.

Scientific Secretary
Research Associate – Department of Modern Cultural and Social History

+420 225 443 244

Research areas

history of noble elites of the 18th and 19th centuries, women's history and gender history, history of philanthropy, history of the Habsburg-Lorraine dynasty, history of women's motoring

Graduated programmes, schools and thesis topics, academic degrees

2008–2011: Bachelor in History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, thesis title: Arcivévoda Leopold Ferdinand Toskánský / Archduke Leopold Ferdinand of Tuscany

2011–2013: Maser in History – specialisation History of the Early Modern Period with a focus on the History of International Relations, Institute of World History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, thesis title: Kauza Wölfling. Rezignace Leopolda Ferdinanda Toskánského na hodnost arcivévody a jeho život v postavení řadového občana / The Wölfling Case. Resignation of Leopold Ferdinand of Tuscany from the Archduke’s Position and His Life as an Ordinary Citizen

2013–2019: Ph.D. in History – General History, Institute of World History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, thesis title: Tereziánský ústav šlechtičen na Pražském hradě (školitel: prof. PhDr. Jan Županič, Ph.D.) / Theresian Institute of Noblewomen at Prague Castle

2019: Rigorosum proceedings (PhDr.), Institute of World History Faculty of Arts, Charles University

Foreign internships and scholarships

2011–2012: University of Vienna (program Erasmus), semestral study stay
2014: University of Vienna, AKTION Czechia – Austria), two-semeser study and research stay
2015: Tiroler Landesarchiv, Innsbruck, three-week study stay
2016: Provincial Archive of Styria, Graz, one-week study stay
2024: Scientists-in-Residence Program of the city of Salzburg, one-month study stay

Domestic grants and major projects

2015–2016: K úloze a významu filantropie ve šlechtickém prostředí. Nadace pro šlechtičny v habsburské monarchii / The Role and Importance of Philanthropy within Aristocracy. Foundations for Noblewomen in the Habsburg Monarchy, Internal Grant of the Faculty of Arts, Charles University, n. FF_VG_2015_056, Principal Investigator

2018–2022: České století motorismu / Czech Century of Motorism, Ministry of Culture, NAKI - Program to Support Applied Research in the Field of National and Cultural identity, ID number: DG18P02OVV051, consortium of beneficiaries: Faculty of Humanities, Charles University, beneficiary: National Technical Museum; Technical Museum in Brno, team member (2019)

Significant awards

2022: Josef Pekař Prize for the best monograph in the field of history by an author under 35 years of age for the book Theresian Institution of Noble Ladies at Prague Castle [Tereziánský ústav šlechtičen na Pražském hradě]
2024: The Otto Wichterle Award to promising young scientists of the Czech Academy of Sciences
2024: The Award of the Czech Academy of Sciences for young scientific employees for outstanding results of scientific work before reaching the age of 35 for the book Poor Aristocrats? Strategies Used by Noble Ladies to Preserve Their Social Status in the “Long” 19th Century [Chudé aristokratky? Strategie šlechtičen k uchování společenského postavení v „dlouhém“ 19. století]