PhDr. Filip Binder, Ph.D.
Postdoc – Department of Modern Cultural and Social History

Research areas
nobility in the 18th and 19th centuries, noble estates, historical geography, cultural history of the Enlightenment and Romanticism, research on ego-documents
Graduated programmes, schools and thesis topics, academic degrees
2011–2014: Bachelor in History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, thesis title: Zámek Hluboká v 19. století a Jan Adolf ze Schwarzenberga / Hluboká Castle in the 19th Century and Johann Adolf zu Schwarzenberg
2014–2017: Master in History – Auxiliary Historical Sciences and Archive Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, thesis title: Po stopách kultury, přírody i poznání. Zahraniční cesty české a rakouské šlechty ve druhé polovině 18. a na začátku 19. století a jejich vlivy a dopady / In the Track of Culture, Nature and Cognition. Foreign Journeys of Bohemian and Austrian Nobility in the Second Half of the 18th and at the Beginning of the 19th Centuries and Their Influences and Impacts
2019: Rigorosum proceedings (PhDr.), Faculty of Arts, Charles University
2017–2024: Ph.D. in Czech History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, thesis title: Česká a rakouská šlechta a romantismus aneb urození stavebníci a jejich sídla a krajinářská tvorba v evropském kontextu / Bohemian and Austrian Nobility and Romanticism or The Noble Building Owners and Their Residences and Landscaping in the European Context
Foreign internships and scholarships
2–7/2016: University of Vienna, Austria
5–6/2019: British Library, the United Kingdom
7–8/2019: Saxon State and University Library Dresden, Germany
Domestic grants and major projects
2018–2020: Krásný Dvůr v kontextu evropských krajinářských parků / Krásný Dvůr in the Context of European Landscape Gardens, Czech Science Foundation, Standard Projects, reg. n. GA18-07366S, beneficiary: The Silva Tarouca Research Institute for Landscape and Ornamental Gardening, cobeneficiary: Institute of Art History of the CAS; Faculty of Arts, Charles University, team member
2023–: Historická lázeňská sídla jako kulturní, urbanistický a krajinotvorný fenomén / Historic Spa Sites as a Cultural, Urban and Landscape-forming Phenomenon, Ministry of Culture, NAKI - Program to Support Applied Research in the Field of National and Cultural identity, ID number: DH23P03OVV075, beneficiary: Institute of History of the CAS; Museum of Eastern Bohemia in Hradec Králové; Philosophical Faculty, University of Hradec Králové, team member
Teaching activities
Faculty of Arts, Charles Univerzity (2021–2022)
Significant awards
2011: The Learned Society of the Czech Republic Award for the paper The Fairytale Eorld of King Louis II of Bavaria [Pohádkový svět krále Ludvíka II. Bavorského]
2024: Jaroslav Goll Prize for the work Czech and Austrian Nobility and Romanticism, or Noble Builders and Their Mansions and Landscape Design in the European Context [Česká a rakouská šlechta a romantismus aneb urození stavebníci a jejich sídla a krajinářská tvorba v evropském kontextu]