Catholic Experiences and Educational Realities. Jesuit Student Cultures and Academic Routines in Central and East-Central Europe from the 16th to the 18th Century

The international conference will be organized by the Center for the History of Education at the Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Prof. Dr. Martin Holý). Dr. Marek Ďurčanský (Institute of History and Archive of Charles University) and Prof. Dr. Matthias Asche (Chair of General History of the Early Modern Period at the University of Potsdam) are involved in its organization.
The planned conference, which will also be held to mark the 400th anniversary of the acquisition of Charles University by the Jesuits in 1622, aims to explore a range of topics that have so far received little coverage in academic and educational history research.
Time limit for presentations: 20 minutes
Conference languages: German and English