The world at school or study travel as part of education. Transformations in pedagogical knowledge, school curriculum and teacher professional development

The international conference The world at school or study travel as part of education. Transformations in pedagogical knowledge, school curriculum and teacher professional development, organized by the National Pedagogical Museum and Library of J. A. Comenius, the Technical University of Liberec, the Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Centre for the History of Education), Charles University Prague, Karlsruhe University of Education, Alanus University of Arts and Social Sciences Mannheim, Augsburg University, Humboldt University Berlin, and Palacký University Olomouc, will take place on 20th and 21st June 2024 at the National Pedagogical Museum and Library of J. A. Comenius.
Study travel has always been a vital element in the formation of medieval knowledge, modern educational science and didactics as well as the enlightenment and modern concept of education itself. From the beginning of the modern era, the transfer of educational experience influenced the debate about the aim of education: to teach all people everything and in all ways. Even in the period of the development of civil society in the second half of the 19th century, the discussion, exchange and "transfer" of pedagogical knowledge formed the basis for the development of national education systems and the advancement of educational enlightenment. The discussion and practice of the pedagogical reform movement in the first half of the 20th century was also based on internationally shared ideas and educational concepts that were discussed and developed at conferences, in journals and on study trips. Study travels provided the inspiration for the development of many educational concepts leading to inspiring and innovative school education programmes, which were supported by extremely active reform pedagogues and educators ("wanderers/travellers") - both men and women.
The travels and their results were reflected not only in the transfer of pedagogical directions, practices and shared views on educational goals, media and methods, but also in the curricula of the individual courses. The results of the travels of discovery or the romantic search for "forgotten" places, culturally "untouched" civilisations etc. were reflected in resultant educational content and many didactic materials. This is evidenced by the rich collections of educational museums in Europe, which today offer many textbooks, didactic school pictures, magazines, travel diaries and reports. Analysing and reflecting on these collections will be at the centre of the various conference
The conference organizing committee reserves the right to select presentations. If successfully assessed by reviewers, studies based on the oral presentations will be published after successful peer review in the scientific journal Historia scholastica (databased in SCOPUS).