Digital Research Infrastructure for Language Technologies, Arts and Humanities
This research infrastructure consists of top research organizations that operate in the field of humanities and arts in the Czech Republic – in linguistics, history and historical bibliography, culture and cultural science, art history, philosophy, film culture, visual arts, musicology and history of music, ethnology, folklore, archeology and also in some interdisciplinary areas.

The Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University
Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Terezín Initiative Institute
Library of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University
Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University
Masaryk Institute and Archives of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Moravian Library in Brno
National Archives
National Film Archive
National Gallery in Prague
National Library of the Czech Republic
Terezín Memorial
Faculty of Arts, Charles University
Institute of the Czech Language of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen