2024Merry and Happy. Czech Christmas Holidays in the Memories of WitnessesLibor Denk, Barbora Dietrichová, Vojtěch Kessler (edd.)
2024Despatches of the Czechoslovak Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1986–1989. Vol. IVJindřich Dejmek (ed.)
2024Petr Chelčický, Postila II (Sbírka pramenů k náboženským dějinám, sv. 7)Petr Chelčický [Jaroslav Boubín (ed.)]
2023Circular Despatches of the Czechoslovak Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1981–1985, Vol. IIIJindřich Dejmek (ed.)
2023Grandmothers through the Eyes of their GrandchildrenJana Losová, Vojtěch Kessler, Veronika Kršková (edd.)
2022National Committee and the Establishment of Czechoslovakia 1916–1918. Edition of DocumentsJan Hálek, Boris Mosković, Petr Prokš (edd.)
2023Political Programmes of Czech National Parties, 1891–1914Pavel Cibulka (ed.)
2022Czechoslovak Foreign Policy after Liberation in 1945, Vol. C/1Jan Němeček, Jindřich Dejmek, Jan Kuklík, Daniela Němečková-Králíková, Milan Sovilj (edd.)
2022Circular Despatches of the Czechoslovak Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1969–1980. Vol. II/3 (1977–1980)Jindřich Dejmek (ed.)
2022Circular Despatches of the Czechoslovak Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1969–1980. Vol. II/2 (1973–1977)Jindřich Dejmek (ed.)
2022Circular Despatches of the Czechoslovak Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1969-1980. Vol. II/1 (1969-1972)Jindřich Dejmek (ed.)
2021Acta Unitatis Fratrum. The Documents of the History of the Bohemian Brethren in the 15th and 16th Century. Volume 1Joachim Bahlcke, Jindřich Halama, Martin Holý, Jiří Just, Martin Rothkegel, Ludger Udolph (edd.)
2021Children Baptized by the Danube. Czech Memories of the Interwar ViennaVojtěch Kessler, David Smrček (edd.)
2022Petr Chelčický, The Postilla I (Collection of Sources on Religious History, vol. 6)Petr Chelčický [Jaroslav Boubín (ed.)]
2020Regesta Bohemiae et Moraviae aetatis Venceslai IV. (1378 Dec.–1419 Aug. 16.). Tomus IXLenka Blechová, Petr Sedláček, Vojtěch Večeře (edd.)
2020Czechoslovak Foreign Policy in 1943. Vol. B/4/2Jan Němeček, Jan Kuklík, Daniela Němečková (edd.)
2020Circular Despatches of the Czechoslovak Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1956–1967/68. Vol. I/2 (1963–1968)Jindřich Dejmek (ed.)
2020Circular Despatches of the Czechoslovak Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1956–1967/68. Vol. I/1 (1956–1963)Jindřich Dejmek (ed.)
2020Rudolf Bahro, Alternative: a critique of actually existing socialismRudolf Bahro [Stanislav Holubec (ed.)]
2020Faces of the War. The Great War 1914–1918 in reflections of Czech participantsVojtěch Kessler, Josef Šrámek (edd.)
2019Bedřich Mayer, Czech soldier at the Balkan 1914–1918Bedřich Mayer [Petr Prokš (ed.)]
2019Regesta Bohemiae et Moraviae: diplomatica nec non epistolaria. Pars VIII, 1364–1369. Fasciculus III, IndicesLenka Blechová (ed.)
2019Loyalty and Betrayal in a Threatened City. Sources on the political communication of České Budějovice at the beginning of the Bohemian Revolt (1618)Tomáš Sterneck (ed.)
2018Petr Chelčický, The Works of the Chapter Collection (Collection of Sources on Religious History, vol. 5)Petr Chelčický [Jaroslav Boubín (ed.)]
2016Josef Novotný, Notes from the First World War. Notes Czech soldier of war and captivity from 1914 to 1918Josef Novotný [Petr Prokš (ed.)]
2016Petr Chelčický, The Works of the Olomouc Collection (Collection of Sources on Religious History, vol. 4)Petr Chelčický [Jaroslav Boubín (ed.)]
2016Records from the meetings of Czechoslovak Government in London. Part 5 (1945)Jan Němeček, Ivan Šťovíček, Helena Nováčková, Jan Kuklík a Jan Bílek (edd.)
2016Second Exile of Edvard Beneš. Photos from 1938–1945Jan Bílek, Jan Kuklík, Erik Maršoun, Jan Němeček
2016Memoirs of member of an officer of Czech Legions and DiplomatJan Šeba [Jindřich Dejmek (ed.)]
2015Historica Třeboň 1526–1547. Correspondence, Deeds and other Documents of Political History from the Birth of the Habsburg Monarchy. Volume II. Documents from the Years 1536–1540Tomáš Sterneck (ed.)
2015Records from the meetings of Czechoslovak Government in London. Part 4.2 (1944)Jan Němeček, Ivan Šťovíček, Helena Nováčková, Jan Kuklík a Jan Bílek (edd.)
2015Correspondence T. G. Masaryk – the Slavs: The South SlavsLadislav Hladký, Jana Škerlová, Pavel Cibulka (edd.)
2014Medieval Synods and Statutes of the Diocese of OlomoucPavel Krafl
2013A Judge at the Time of Justice and Injustice. Memoirs of Dr. Václav Nedělka (1881–1965)Václav Nedělka [Pavel Kůrka (ed.)]
2012Petr Chelčický, The Net of Faith (Collection of Sources on Religious History, vol. 3)Petr Chelčický [Jaroslav Boubín (ed.)]